^Swap ~clock~


A solid arrows marking steps from Strength to Stop to Look to Weakness. An overarching dashed arrow path showing transfer from Strength to Weakness moving upward and onward.


  1. ^Look at a disparity (one ~strength~, one ~weakness~) within a pair which ~match~ in ~function~:
    1. To ^Feel and to ^Act
    2. To ^Think and to ^Care
    3. To ^Trust and to ^Choose
    4. Our ~subconscious~ and others (ooh creepy!)
  2. ^Give ^Strength to the ~weakness~ in ~replacement~. 
    1. ^Choose to ^Stop the ~strength~ temporarily. 
    2. ^Care to ^Look at the ~weakness~. 
    3. ^Trust to ^Go with the ^Result. 


^Swap is a mode of ^Symbol that ~helps~ us ^Make a small ~change~ which by ~practice~ may add up to something larger.  If we do not ^Notice or if we ^Leave it in disparity, the ~weakness~ will ^Remain.  We ^All ^Need a ~time-and-place~ to ^Consider and address a disparity in ~relation~ to our ~self~, our ~family~ and our world. 


Anytime we have a ~simple~ ~problem~ that seems hard.  Anytime for a ~laugh~, a ~shout~ or a ~good~ ~cry~.  Exceptionally, this is one ^Concept that may either ^Establish itself like a ~clock~ or else if the ^Focus mutates then as a ~mode~ it devolves from itself: from ~swap~ into ~rotate~ into ~permute~ into ~shuffle~.  ^Imagine a ^Mind that is only ~good~ as a ~clock~.  Or one that is perpetually unable to ^Keep ~focus~ in any ~mode~.  Or one that is successful to ^Avoid an infinite loop while it may ^Chase its ~goal~ from ~start~ to ~end~!  Don't ^Worry.  I've been ^All those too but I ^Hope we can ^Find ^More of the successful ones while not losing our ~desire~ for experiencing the others. 


My Notes