^Model ^Abstract ~symbol~ ~misattribution~


A list of six blue words on left:
  A, B, Diameter, Elephant, Fox and Go.
A list of four pink words on right:
  Pink, 3.14, Pie and Stop.
Eight arrows mapped between the two lists:
  A to Pink to Elephant to Stop to Go.
  Pink to Fox.
  B to 3.14 to Diameter to Pie.


  1. ^Map it. 
    1. Treat something as though it were something else. 
  2. Ideas to adopt ^Symbol with ~moderation~. 
    1. ^Trust ^Turtles. 
    2. ^Care to ^Recognize. 
    3. ^Choose ^DRY-KISS. 


^Model is a ^Super mode of ^Symbol that abstracts one set of objects by use of another.  The ~diversity~ of applications over time is essentially without ~limit~.  Once we ^Model it, we ^Make it possible to ^Mind it.  Our ~mind~ ~works~ not only with the world but in a ~variety~ of ~symbol~ of it also. 


Anytime except we ^Want sufficient but not too many symbols ~when~ we ~annotate~ a ~concept~ (such as in an ~expression~ of ~how~, ~map~, ~tree~ or ~partition~). 


My Notes