^Remember ^Memorize ~memories~


A brainy weave, with a lightbulb mounted at its center.


  1. For a ~good~ input or a necessary ~evil~ input. 
    1. ^Trust in ~repeat~ to ^Inspire the ~good~ of it. 
  2. For a ~good~ output or a necessary ~evil~ as output. 
    1. ^Choose in ~repeat~ to ^Magnify the ^Good of it. 
  3. For a ~good~ idea or a necessary ~evil~ one. 
    1. ^Loom to ^Express and ^Repeat each ~symbol~, ~metonym~ or ~metaphor~ of it. 


^Remember is a mode of ^Symbol that recalls our past or other echoes of our ~mind~, which is especially useful ^When we ~learn~.  It is so natural and so much a ~part~ of every ^Ability and ~mode~.  In our ~subconscious~ ^Mind or ^When we ~learn~ from ~intuition~ and ~outlook~ combined, this may ^Happen automatically.  It can spare us from so much trouble of our world and of the ^Mind.  We may do so automatically or with ^Care. 


Anytime in ~poise~.  Do so ^Regularly once we are on the ~acceptable~ ~part~ of our ~PATH~.  It is both a ^Light and a ^Lens that may ^Magnify ~insight~ or ^Inspire us to ^Learn. 


My Notes