^Refuse ^Drown ~forget~ ~lost~


A garbage can and lid with a handle. The lid resting on the can but unseated and leaning to one side.


  1. Firstly, if it is an input of its ~partition~, ^Divide it until we:
    1. Don't ^Look at ^All.  [^Become ~partition~]
    2. Don't ^Feel anything.  [^Mind ~partition~]
    3. Don't ^Trust anything or anyone.  [^Loom ~partition~]
  2. Firstly, if it is an output of its ~partition~, ^Divide it until we:
    1. Don't ^Go towards it.  [^Become ~partition~]
    2. Don't ^Act for it.  [^Mind ~partition~]
    3. Don't ^Choose it.  [^Loom ~partition~]
  3. Secondly, if it is an input then do ^Step two or if it is an output then do ^Step one, so both ~steps~ are done. 
  4. Lastly, ^Stop and ~focus~ briefly and sharply away from it, long ~enough~ to ^Go and ^Look elsewhere: ^Minimize it, ^Delay it, ^Escape it or ^Ignore it. 


^Forget is a mode of ^Symbol that ~helps~ us filter our past and other echoes of the ^Mind for our ~betterment~.  This has the same ~benefit~ as ~memories~ except that we may ^Remove the bad ~parts~.  In our ~subconscious~ ^Mind or ^When we ~learn~ from ~intuition~ and ~outlook~ combined, this could ^Happen automatically even at times as a repressed or false memory.  Otherwise, we get ~stuck~ with it (~always~ ~forget~ it) or without it (~remember~ it too much).  I am not sure ~why~ this may ^Happen, but it is as though ^Divide may ^Happen at the right ~time-and-place~ to the wrong ~target~ in ^Swap. 


Anytime ~force~ may ^Overcome us.  Anytime we might ^Offend.  Anytime we have been traumatized.  Anytime we are ~SICK~. 

Anytime we ^Need to ^Stay or ^Engage in an environment of ~hate~ or ~anger~, we can ^Refuse it to ^Stop our ^Sacrifice of performance or to (re-)^Gain ~focus~ despite our ~hurt~ from it. 


My Notes