^Turtles ^Ridicule ~metaphor~ ~derision~


One large turtle, standing on two smaller turtles, standing on four smaller turtles.
The four turtles standing on seven similar stacks of seven turtles.


  1. ^Model every ~turtle~ (for ~example~, ^Concept) as ^Turtles ~all~ the ~way~ down. 
    1. So each ~part~ or support of each ~turtle~ is just another ~turtle~. 
  2. ^Model every ~collection~ of ^Turtles in ~relation~ to ~one-another~ as just another ~turtle~. 


^Turtles (~all~ the ~way~ down) is a mode of ^Symbol that emphasizes self-similarity as means to represent ^Complex ideas.  This idea of ^Turtles ~all~ the ~way~ down is based in an ancient parable.  The ~benefit~ of this idea is that as we ^Learn about ^Turtles and ^How to ^Model them we can ^Work to ^Create a sufficient ^Concept to understand each ~turtle~ in ~parts~ or ^Turtles in combination similarly. 


Anytime we have something that is ^Complex, we can ^Trust the ^Turtles principle to hack our ~way~ through the muddy ~middle~.  We ^Follow the ^Turtles principle heavily to ^Model the ^Mind and much of The Book of ^MESH.  We ^Follow the ^Turtles principle to ^Create a ~STRONG~ ~foundation~. 


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