^Imagine ~imagination~


A small turtle on lower right with a giant thought cloud reaching to the upper left.
A black background in the thought cloud frames the rest of the scene.
A large sun on the upper left.
A tiny chocolate chip cookie near the top reminiscent of a tiny moon.
A giant turtle whose shell is reminiscent of earth.
The left and right hands of the turtle are each holding an unattached smaller arm
  which arms are each holding an unattached smallest arm.
The smallest arms are in attitude of scratching the head from above
  and scratching the chin from beneath.
The giant turtle has an inquisitive expression as it gazes upward.


  1. ^Mark it in our ~mind~. 
  2. ^Figure it in our ~mind~. 
  3. ^Connect everything in our ~mind~. 
  4. ^Complement it. 
  5. ^Encapsulate it. 
  6. ^Cooperate in it. 
  7. ^Break from it to ^Refresh ^Regularly or once ~SICK~. 


^Imagine is a mode of ^Schedule that may ^Sacrifice uniform ~measure~ of time for ^More ^Empathy within our ~mind~.  Our ~mind~ has a ~curiously~ ~STRONG~ ~ability~ to ^Connect a wild range of ideas.  Typically, we ^Find that our ~mind~ will ^Exercise our ~imagination~ as we ~dream~.  But to daydream, to pretend, to brainstorm and to ^Act with or without a script for its ~own~ sake; ~all~ these may ^Heal and ^Refresh ^When done in ~full~ ~strength~ but ^Care to use it in ~moderation~. 

^When done with a ~purpose~ in ~mind~ or ^When ^SICK, it is ~BEST~ to ^Refuse snaking tangents (Fact, ^Emotion, Fact, ^Emotion, … ) or pure emotional tangents (^Emotion, ^Emotion, ^Emotion, … ). 


Anytime we have something we ^Want to ^Grow.  Anytime we ^Want to ^Find ~motivation~ or ^Want to ^Share and ^Inspire it with our ~family~.  Anytime we ^Want to get ^More ^SICK or cause ourselves to ^Fall, use it while ~SICK~ or add a topic or ~emotion~ into it that may ^Make us ~SICK~. 


My Notes