^Imagine ~imagination~
- ^Mark it in our ~mind~.
- ^Figure it in our ~mind~.
- ^Connect everything in our ~mind~.
- ^Complement it.
- ^Encapsulate it.
- ^Cooperate in it.
- ^Break from it to ^Refresh ^Regularly or once ~SICK~.
^Imagine is a mode of ^Schedule that may ^Sacrifice uniform ~measure~ of time for ^More ^Empathy within our ~mind~. Our ~mind~ has a ~curiously~ ~STRONG~ ~ability~ to ^Connect a wild range of ideas. Typically, we ^Find that our ~mind~ will ^Exercise our ~imagination~ as we ~dream~. But to daydream, to pretend, to brainstorm and to ^Act with or without a script for its ~own~ sake; ~all~ these may ^Heal and ^Refresh ^When done in ~full~ ~strength~ but ^Care to use it in ~moderation~.
^When done with a ~purpose~ in ~mind~ or ^When ^SICK, it is ~BEST~ to ^Refuse snaking tangents (Fact, ^Emotion, Fact, ^Emotion, … ) or pure emotional tangents (^Emotion, ^Emotion, ^Emotion, … ).
Anytime we have something we ^Want to ^Grow. Anytime we ^Want to ^Find ~motivation~ or ^Want to ^Share and ^Inspire it with our ~family~. Anytime we ^Want to get ^More ^SICK or cause ourselves to ^Fall, use it while ~SICK~ or add a topic or ~emotion~ into it that may ^Make us ~SICK~.