^Free ~break~


A metal chain extending left and right,
broken in the middle with a single broken link laying in two pieces as though it had just broken.


  1. Beforehand, put other things off for ~later~ or ~schedule~. 
  2. ^Forget to ^React and ^Refuse to ^Keep a ~schedule~. 
  3. ^Avoid any ~commitment~ or other ~communication~ in ~conflict~ with it. 
  4. ^Refuse to ^Schedule in ~conflict~ with it. 
  5. ^Refresh for ~daily-self-care~ ~slow~ for ourselves and others. 
  6. ^Fail it only in ~need~ of it. 


^Break is a mode of ^Schedule that ~helps~ us ^Escape our ~own~ modes, that of others and that of our world.  We ^All ^Need to have a ~break~ ~regularly~ from any event or activity. 


Anytime we ^Feel ~SICK~ but do not ~know~ ^Why.  Anytime our ~subconscious~ ~mind~, our ~choice~ or others incessantly ^Tell us to do it ~now~ or ^Schedule it but we are overworked or getting burned out. 


My Notes