^Flex ^Maintain ^Stretch ~rude~ ~STRONG~ ~strength~
^Renew it.
- ^Wonderful ^Life with ^Space to ^Celebrate ^Regularly as we ^Forget about ~weakness~ and just ^Live.
- ^Exemplary ^Restore as we ^Tend to ^Believe to ^Follow a ^Good ~example~ in our ~memories~ or ~imagination~ which may ^Match it.
^Attach it.
- ^Regularly ^Decide (not ~inconsistent~).
- ^Normal ^No (not too soft in ~sorrow~ nor too ~loud~ in ~anger~).
^Direct it.
- Gracious ^Cooperation (not too imprecise nor too ^Naughty).
- Ongoing ^Independence (not too dependent, not in ~conflict~ and not in a ~tangle~).
^Serve it.
- Solidly ^Function in our ~belief~ and ~knowledge~ (not ~confused~).
- ^Terrific and ^Happy ^Communication (not in ~weakness~ and not in ~deception~).
^STRONG is an acronym for Solid ^Function, ^Terrific ^Empathy, Regular ^Agency, Ongoing ^Diverge, ^Normal ^Boundary and Gracious ^Cooperation. It is a firmness of ^Mind that prepares us to ^Work on a ^Goal or ~weakness~ but may cause a ^MESS ^When not applied yet available naturally.
This is ~good~ for those ^Who can ^Dance. That's you! You got the right stuff, I ^Know it! We have ~food~ for our ~body~. ^Likewise, we ^Need ^Strength to prepare us to ^Heal.
Though it appears as the ~opposite~ of ^SICK, it is not used merely as its ~complement~. It does not ^Show that we are ~healthy~ at ~all~ but rather that our distortions ^Work ^Adequately to ^Overcome obstacles of our weaknesses and wounds. From it we ^Hope that the pain of ^Harm may ^Hurt us ^No ^More. ^Strength is a ^Signal and ample ^Test to ^Tell us ^When we are ready to ^Work on at least one ~goal~ or to ^Improve upon our distortions. ^Consider that ~strength~ is like having a ~weakness~ but ~no~ option to ^Escape or ^Grow until we ^Try to do something with it.
^Restore ^Regularly. ^Notice anytime so we can ^Take advantage of the ^BEST moments to ^Choose to ^Heal. But to the extent we are short on tools to ^Heal, that's ^Okay. ^Let ^Strength persist our distortions until we can ^Trust ourselves to ^Start to ^Remove them in ~safety~.
Do not ^Deceive ourselves here! A ~strength~ does not mean we are done healing but it means we are ready to ^Heal ^Again.
^Notice it or its ~parts~ anytime to ^Help ^Discern and ^Unmask our ~emotion~.