^Startle ^Vary ^Renew ^Rhythm ^Match ^Equal ^Adequately ~start~ ~variety~ ~phase~ ~season~ ~metonym~ ~likewise~ ~adequate~ ~homeostasis~
^Consider attributes in ~opposition~ to ~one-another~ as ~equal~ in ~metaphor~
or as a ~symbol~ of ~one-another~.
- ^Take our ^Anger, saying ^No, ^MESS, ~madness~, ~subconscious~, ~unknown~, ~lack~, ~crazy~, ~immunity~, ~harm~, being trapped, feeling stress, ~memories~, ~freedom~, having an ~advocate~, ~aim~ and ~boundary~ each as a ~model~ for side by side ~comparison~ and contrast.
- ^Connect, ^Desire, ~lust~, ~addiction~, ~thirst~, itch, ~water~, ~exercise~, ~empathy~, ~communication~ or ~drink~; as a ~family~ each may ^Become a ~metaphor~ of its siblings.
- Indecent exposure ~equal~ to pain.
- Carry every ~question~, ~answer~ and any ~limitations~ thereof in ~respect~, similarly.
- ^Problem ~equal~ to its ^Solution.
- ^Belief with ~time-and-place~ for ^Doubt.
- ^Perfect as ^Half-or-double.
- ^Season, as ^Stability, as ^Relation, as ^Mechanism, as ^Rhythm.
^Sense ^Change yet ^Hide or ^Yield to its ^Force or ^Schedule.
- ^Forgive the struggle within and around us.
- ^Wait for it in ~accord~ to ^Plan or in ~anticipation~ of ^Progress.
^Rhythm is a mode of ^MESS that acts as a necessary ~obstacle~ to our ~PATH~. It is a ^Flex of ^Mind that prepares us to ^Consider the ~variety~ in our ~life~ as though it were a smooth ^Cycle.
Our ^Mind and ^Body has a ~daily~ ^Rhythm which may ^Tend to tune itself to ourselves, others and our world. Sometimes this is called a circadian ~rhythm~ or a ^Rest and ^Digest ^Cycle. We also may ^Find ourselves in an ~hourly~ or ~weekly~ ^Rhythm, and a ~monthly~ or ~annual~ ^Cycle to ^Hold each ^Season.
Our ^Progress of ~life~ over many years is in a ~sense~ singular yet also feels like a ~season~ as we ^Watch ~one-another~ as ourselves in our journey.
From ^Empathy or ^Function, and in ~emotion~ of ^Sorrow or ^Surprise, we may ^Vary to ^Grow to ^Find a ^Better inner ^Life and ^Restorer.
Anytime to ^Sustain our ~duality~ to ^Mind; either to ^Mind both our ^Open ^Chaotic ^Connection to ^Live and our ^Close ^Simple ^Partition to ^Restore, or to ^Mind our ~season~ to ^Attach, ^Map, ^Serve and ^Renew.
^Notice anytime so we can ^Take advantage of the ^BEST moments to ^Trust our ^Strength. But to the extent we are short on ^Strength, that's ^Okay. ^Let ^Immunity persist until we can ^Trust ourselves to ^Recover and ^Try ^Again in ~safety~.