^Deceive ~lie~ ~deception~
- ^Change to ^Trust or to ^Feel that is against ^Truth, ^Mind or ~foundation~.
- ^Inconsistent in our ^Signal to others (and ^Loud at ~first~).
- ^Ignore or ^Refuse to acknowledge any ^Signal we ^Receive.
- ^Ignore or ^Refuse ~consequence~ (^Loud to ^Quiet, ~FAST~ or ~slow~).
- ^Change or ^Contend for ^More distortion so that we ^Depart from ^Truth, ^Good, ^Family or ^Love.
^Deceive is a mode of ^MESS that acts as a necessary ~evil~ with its ~maximum~ ~presence~ at any ~point~ before we ~learn~ to be ^Trustful and ^Honest. For those ^Who are on the ~predictable~ ~part~ of the ~PATH~. A ^Good ~indicator~ of ~time-and-place~ and not such a ~good~ ~measure~ of ourselves, and others in our world except as we ^Escape ^Force and ^Become ^Super ^Honest in each ~relation~ to it.
This is a necessary ~evil~. Anytime our ~PATH~ is a ^MESS in context of being ^Honest and ^Trustful, our ^Mind will ^Act to ^Deceive ourselves and others. Anytime we ~lack~ the ~acceptable~ ~parts~ of our ~PATH~ as ~foundation~. That's ^Okay! We can ^Take ~all~ the time we ^Need to graduate to the ~acceptable~ ~part~ of our ~PATH~. Use caution as its unchecked use may ^Force ourselves or others to pass ~judgment~ against ~reputation~ of ~one-another~ instead of ^Inspire ^Empathy for our ~weakness~ on the ~PATH~.