^Honest ~honesty~


An arc on the path from Trustful to Honest, with a green fan blade to show progress as we Choose: Act, Feel, Think.


  1. ^Loom until ~honest~. 
    1. ^Care for it. 
    2. ^Choose it in ~repeat~. 
    3. ^Care ^Again. 
  2. ^Choose with ^Care until ~honest~. 
  3. ^Love to ^Learn and to ^Cooperate. 
    1. ^Learn ^What is ~good~ and ~evil~ for ourselves and others. 
    2. ^Signal ~regularly~ (in ~quiet~ at ~first~) on that ~knowledge~. 
    3. Acknowledge signals we ^Receive. 
    4. Acknowledge ~consequence~ (^Quiet, ~slowly~ to ^Loud as we ^Need or ^Want). 


^Honest is a ^Super mode of ^MESS and of ^MESH which may ^Follow from ^When we ^Practice ~choice~ after we ~learn~ to ^Become ^Trustful.  From this ~process~ to ^Choose and ^Care, ~communication~ is born. 

For those ^Who do not ~know~ ^How to teach others ^How to ^Dance like them.  That's you!  Yet you got the right stuff, I ^Know it! 

This is the ~first~ ~point~ on the ~PATH~ that may ^Need its predecessor (~trustful~) to ^Develop itself in us ~properly~.  Don't ^Aim to ^Develop ~honesty~ or ^Worry about its ~lack~ until we are ~trustful~.  And as an extra ~benefit~, this is the ~first~ ~point~ to ^Develop in ~dual~ on the ~PATH~.  As we ~learn~ to be ^Honest in tandem we ^Improve ~gratitude~.  That also may ^Make it a ~half-or-double~ lift ^When we do not ^Start with ~gratitude~.  So ^When our efforts do not ^Make us ^Honest ~focus~ instead on ^Gratitude so we may ^Gain power to be ^Honest ~later~. 

We may ^Notice that our ~honesty~ is situational.  Sometimes we have ~no~ ~problem~ doing it and other times to our ^Surprise it is a challenge.  That is to be expected, because each ^Mind and ~relation~ it has for others and our world are experienced neither with ~equal~ ^Share nor at the same ~point~ on the ~PATH~. 

Some ~parts~ of our ~mind~ are on different ~parts~ of the ~PATH~ than other ~parts~ of it.  ^What are we, spiders?  Our fingers are little spiders that crawl out the information in our heads as we gesture, ^Write, swipe or type and this is ~how~ it is with ~honesty~.  We ^Attend to every topic in ~turn~, so we may ~grow~ the ~honesty~ of it in those ~parts~ of our ~mind~. 

Our ^Mind is as the wind; we do not ~know~ from whence it comes nor whither it goes except in ~part~.  Yet despite the ~chaos~ of its form we may ~learn~ to be ~honest~ in each ~part~ of our ^Mind and in ~relation~ to others and to our world.  And in the ^Beauty therefrom we ^Find the luxury of ~communication~. 

We have ~food~ and ~aid~ for our ~body~.  ^Likewise we ^Need ~strength~ to ^Become ^Honest in ~mind~. 

As we ^Become ^More ^Honest with ourselves and, to others and our world, we ^Move towards ^Moderate ^Agency among ourselves, others and our world.  So, ^Less ^Agency from ^When it is at a ~maximum~, and ^More ^Agency from ^When it is at a ~minimum~.  Do you ^See ^How?  ^Honesty also may ^Grant ^Moderate ^Independence, ~likewise~. 


Anytime.  Anytime it is missing.  Anytime we ^Notice we ^Feel unable to be ^Helpful.  Anytime we are ^Trustful and have sufficient ~strength~ to ^Try. 


My Notes