^Solve ^Reduce ~solution~


A chessboard with eight pawns positioned as a solution to the eight queens puzzle.


  1. ^Refresh and ^Forgive for its ~own~ sake. 
  2. ^Try to ^Imagine it with ^Focus. 
  3. ^Explore it with ^Hope and ^Care. 
  4. ^Try it or ^Loom towards it on the ~PATH~. 
  5. ^Try to ^Counsel about it ^FAST. 
  6. ^Fix it, ^Forget it or ^Fail ~properly~. 
  7. Do the ~first~ ^Step until it is ^Enough for itself and then do ~all~ ~steps~ in ~order~ until it is ^Enough. 


^Solve is a ~healthy~ mode that ~helps~ us ^Operate on our world for ~maximum~ ~benefit~.  As we navigate our lives, we ^Need to ^Find a ~solution~ to each ~problem~.  So it is important we have a general ^Concept for doing so. 


Anytime we ^Want to ^Maximize ^Progress on any ~goal~ or ~weakness~. 


My Notes