^Follow ^Humble ^Praise ^Beautify ~peace~ ~just-the-way-we-are~ ~adorable~ ~cute~ ~humility~
^Need to ^Become it in ~tenderness~ of ~emotion~ by ~example~ of it.
^Need to ^Go to it, ^Look at it and ^Stop for it, especially:
- ^Need to ^Go to ^Mind, ^Good or ^Judgment.
- ^Need to ^Look at ^Love, ^Family or ^Deception.
- ^Need to ^Stop for ^Evil, ^Truth or ^Temptation.
^Accept it in ~balance~ ~just-the-way-we-are~ ~now~ or ~sleep~.
- ^Need as ~need~.
- ^Lack as ~lack~.
- ^Alone as ~alone~.
- In ~need~ of ^Help, in ~need~ to ^Help or ~helpful~ by ~communication~.
- Unable to ^Transform ourselves, others and our world ~now~ yet we ^Hope to ^Fix or ^Fit it ~slow~.
- In ~need~ of ^Love in ~lack~ and then in ~need~ to ^Love once loved.
- ^Receive necessary ~evil~ of ~judgment~ or ~temptation~.
- ^Give necessary ~evil~ of ~deception~.
- ^Fix it.
^Humility is a ^Super mode which is key to ^Heal. The ^More purely we ^Establish it, the ^More spontaneously we ^Develop and ^Progress on our ~PATH~. From this ~process~ of ^Care, ~awareness~ is born.
Treat everything in our ~life~ as ~acceptable~ just the ~way~ it is ~now~. ^Accept everyone in our ~life~ ~just-the-way-we-are~ ~now~. This is a big-time distortion buster! ^Try to ^Loom upon it or admire its ^Beauty. ^Remember to ^Trust it ^When it comes however it comes, ^Enough that we will ^Choose to ^Care for it so that it will ^Stay or ^Return often for ~maximum~ ~health~. And delightful stories to ^Tell around the fire!!! For it is a vivid ^Dance of ^Light. The pay dirt that may ^Provide ~joy~ or ^Happiness to ourselves and others ^Who ^Love us for it may put our face in the dirt ~now~ and with a ~smile~ ~later~.
For those ^Who ^Learn that to ^Laugh and ^Sorrow and ^All in ~between~ has its ^Own ~time-and-place~.
We have ~shelter~ and ~freedom~ for our ~body~. ^Likewise we ^Need ~strength~ to ^Become ^Humble in ~mind~.
As we ^Become ^More ^Humble among ourselves, others and our world, we ^Move towards ^Moderate ^Function among ourselves, others and our world. So, ^Less ^Function from ^When it is at a ~maximum~, and ^More ^Function from ^When it is at a ~minimum~. Do you ^See ^How? ^Humility also may ^Grant ^Moderate ^Boundary, ~likewise~.
^Humility is not a ~STRONG~ ~concept~ yet it can ^Yield ~strength~ to such a ~diversity~ of concepts even ^When it is incompatible. Therefore, in that ~sense~ it is perhaps one of the strongest concepts.
Sometimes it comes to us (OUCH!) and sometimes we ^Come to it (ahh). Sometimes we ^Force it upon others causing any ^Mind in ~participation~ (including our ~own~) to have significant and ~needless~ distortions until we ^Fail from that ^Adequately.
Gladly from it, we are much ^More likely to ^Heal in ~benefit~. Anytime we ^Need to ^Be ^Grateful.