^Try ^Target ^Result ~attempt~ ~goal~ ~results~


An archery target with an arrow in flight towards the bullseye.


  1. ^Identify it with ^Care. 
    1. ^Look for ~intuition~, ~purpose~, ~outlook~, ~goal~, ~weakness~ or ^Chance to ~learn~. 
    2. ^Mark it, ^Choose it or ^Remember it with ~time-and-place~. 
    3. ^Estimate it or patch it to our ^Purpose. 
  2. For any ~intuition~ or ^Chance to ~learn~: once we ^Hope we can ^Trust it, ^Trust in ~repeat~:
    1. ^Recognize a ~problem~.  ^Feel it ~now~. 
    2. ^Work on the ~problem~.  ^Act on it ~slow~. 
    3. ^Think about it ^FAST only once we have done ^Enough. 
  3. For any ~goal~ or ~purpose~: Once we ^Believe we can ^Choose it, ^Choose in ~repeat~:
    1. Do it.  ^Make an ~attempt~.  ^Act on it ~now~. 
    2. ^Practice to ^Make ~progress~.  ^Feel it ~slow~. 
    3. ^Think about it ^FAST only ~between~ attempts. 
  4. For any ~weakness~ or ~outlook~: Once we ^Worry or ^Doubt we can ^Care about it, ^Care in ~repeat~:
    1. ^Think about it in ~intuition~ to ^Act. 
    2. And then in reverse: ^Think about it in ~outlook~ to ^Feel. 
    3. ^Mind it ^FAST. 
  5. ^Forget it or ^Fail it anytime we cannot ^Choose, ^Care or ^Trust it. 
  6. ^Escape it, ^Share it or ^Free it anytime we ^Feel ^STRONG or ^SICK from it. 


^Goal is a ~healthy~ mode that may ^Direct our ~attention~ and ~focus~ in ~accord~ to some ~purpose~.  We ~all~ ^Need to ^Find or ^Improve our ^Purpose and that usually means setting a ~goal~.  To ^Try is an ~act~: one of to ^Choose, ^Trust or ^Care that we may ^BEST ^Match in ~relation~ to its ^Target. 


We may ^Care to ^Try anytime.  Anytime we ^Feel ^STRONG about it or have ~inspiration~ to ^Improve, ^Try.  Anytime we have sufficient ~strength~ for the ~problem~ or ~attempt~. 


My Notes