^MESH ^Heal ~healthy~ ~well~ ~health~
something and ^Trust it!
OR^Decide on a ~goal~.OR^Remember any one ~weakness~ or ~goal~.
^Act on it
OR^Solve it ~slow~.
about it!
OR^Trust to ^Fail.
^Repeat often with ^Care as we ^Loom to ^Improve.
ORHave ^Humility to ^Accept a ^MESS ^When ~SICK~.
^Heal is a ^Super mode of ^Mind that brings about ~maximum~ ~health~. It is the MAIN ^Concept of The Book of ^MESH. ^Start here. ~MESH~ is an acronym for Mental-Emotional-Self Healing or Mental-Emotional-Self ^Help. The ~concept~ here is not the only ~way~ to be ~healthy~. Any ~cycle~ that may ^Yield ~strength~ to ~weakness~ and ~opportunities~ to ^Grow ~properly~ ^When ~weakness~ or ~strength~ manifests ~alone~ will ~help~ us ~overcome~ ~needless~ suffering.
Anytime and ~all~ the time. To ^Grow and to ^Heal optimally.