^Trustful ~connection~
until ~trustful~.
- ^Care for it.
- ^Trust it.
- ^Care ^Again.
- ^Trust with ^Care until ~trustful~.
in ~truth~.
- ^Give ourselves time to ^Connect and ^Feel ourselves and our surroundings.
- ^Refuse, ^Undo or ^Accept in alignment to ^How we ^Feel.
- ^Learn by ^Practice the pattern of ^Trust, which is to ^Act directly upon ^How we ^Feel (as a ~map~) and then to ^Think ^Later in review.
^Trustful is a ^Super mode of ^Function for it is essential to higher functions and yet it may be developed without a deeper ^Foundation. From this ~process~ of ^Trust and ^Care, ~knowledge~ is born.
For those ^Who ^Know ^How to ^Dance and won't. That's you! And you got the right stuff, I ^Know it!
To ^Work to be ~grateful~ and to be ~trustful~ are universal experiences on our ~PATH~. Although we ^Want to ^Accept the lower ~foundation~ ^When it comes, that of ~humility~, ~fall~ and ~fail~, we do not typically ~benefit~ ^When we ^Seek it out. However, we should allow ourselves a ~way~ to experience or ^Renew these concepts ~regularly~.
To be ~trustful~ exists as a very special midpoint and frequently acts as our ^Start on our ~PATH~. And it is at the core of a ~healthy~ ^Mind. ^Imagine a ~time-and-place~ of insufficient ~opportunities~ to have ^Trust ~enough~ to ^Become ~trustful~. We can reasonably infer that a ^MESS will ^Develop. That's ^Okay! It is to ^Protect us and we can ^Heal once we have both the ~strength~ for it and a ~time-and-place~ for ^Trust to ^Grow.
We have ~shelter~ for our ~body~. ^Likewise we ^Need ~strength~ to ^Become ^Trustful in ~mind~.
As we ^Maintain a ^Connection ^Between ourselves and, others and our world, we ^Move towards ^Moderate ^Function among ourselves, others and our world. So, ^Less ^Function from ^When it is at a ~maximum~, and ^More ^Function from ^When it is at a ~minimum~. Do you ^See ^How?
Anytime. Anytime it is missing. Anytime we ^Notice we ^Feel ~less~ knowledgeable. Anytime we ^Feel unable to be ^Honest. Anytime we are ^Grateful and have sufficient ~strength~ to ^Try.
Here is the thing about being ~trustful~. It is an emotional state that we ^Create as we spend time to ^Let our senses and feelings ^Lead the ~way~ while we ^Move our ~excess~ of thoughts out of the ~way~. But with experience we ^Learn we have many things that may ^Deceive us in some ~way~. Those things may cause our ^Trust to ^Decrease. Rather than ^Refuse ^Trust, we ^Want to ^Transform its ~direction~ or the criteria for which we ^Consider it ~acceptable~. We ^Maximize ~evil~ ^When we cannot ^Trust to such an extent that we ^Refuse ~daily-self-care~ or any other essential ~mode~.
I've been there. For ^Empathy, ^Imagine mistrust developing in us due in ~part~ to dehydration yet ironically causing us to get ~stuck~ such that we cannot ^Trust any ~drink~.
^When we or others cannot ^Trust our drinking ~water~, our only ^Focus should be to (re-)^Establish that ~trust~. ^When anything becomes a ^Block to our ^Trust, our ^Refresh, or both, it is a ^MESS in ~progress~ and a crisis that demands our ~attention~ ^Now until we can ^Solve it ^Properly.
^When ^Trust is challenged, divert it elsewhere ^When we can. ^What I am saying is that rather than ^Refuse ^Trust at any ~signal~ of ~opposition~, ^Cycle it elsewhere instead. And ^Explore ^Where it may ^Grow as soon as we ^Feel it ~decrease~ and ^Regularly.