^Forgive ^Reconcile ~forgiveness~ ~unsnarl~
- ^Try to ^Seek a ~time-and-place~ for our ~BEST~ ~love~.
- ^Feel its ~quiet~ to ^Remember ^Why it ~hurt~ us.
- ^Feel its ~peace~ to ^Remember ^How it ~hurt~ others.
- ^Go to the ~hurt~ to ^Magnify our ^Sorrow to others about it peacefully, unconditionally and ^Adequately in ~respect~ so that we may ~hope~ to ^Receive also.
- ^Care to ^Try ^Again to ^Return to our ~BEST~ ~love~.
- ^When any ~excess~ of ~emotion~ stirs us to ^Avoid this in whole or ~part~, ~avoid~ it as such for ~now~.
- ^When we ~feel~ ~SICK~ about either ~forgiveness~ or the ~hurt~ from which we may have ^Need to do it, ~first~ (re-)^Gain our ~strength~ and then, as needed ~try~ to ^Counsel about it ~regularly~ and ~slow~ until it is ~enough~. Do so with ~respect~ for ourselves and others and in ~privacy~ to the situation.
^Forgive is a ^Super mode of ^Function to ^Sustain our ^Love. Hmmm. Only one ~problem~. For ^Simple wounds, we are probably ~still~ ~healthy~ so to ^Find ~love~ ^Again is not difficult with ^Practice. But for deep or ^Complex wounds, or wounds that we ^Receive ^When ~SICK~, this ^Concept departs like ~water~ on concrete in the hot sun. ^What we once knew becomes just a word. And its definition becomes a bunch of nonsense. Any ~abuse~ may cause many of the ~BEST~ concepts to ^Become just words. Sometimes we ^Notice this ~lack~ and can confront this depth of suffering and at other times we don't even ~know~ the ~hollow~ in our ^Mind which does ~now~ ~refuse~ to shine.
As I said, after a heavy or inescapable burden of ~abuse~ we ~win-or-lose~ our ~ability~ to ^Forgive. At times this ~loss~ is ~long-term~. I ^Wish it was ^Okay.
This ^Result from ~abuse~ is ^Normal. But can anyone ~tell~ me ~why~ ~abuse~ is ^Normal? With deep ~regret~, we can ^Accept the ~truth~ of it; though its ~presence~ we cannot except. Both we ^Who ^Offend and others for sake of ~survival~ may ^Tend to suffer this ~loss~, as though ~force~ of one ~mind~ upon another flattens both in the dimension of ^What is perhaps its most ~beautiful~ ~now~ or in potential. Just as there is ~no~ recipe to ^Love ~properly~, ^How could we ever seriously ^Believe a ~mind~ could ^Receive ~harm~ thusly and ^Still have a reasonable and knowable ~PATH~ to ^Recover? Without ~forgiveness~ we cannot ~fail~ ~properly~ and without ~fail~ we cannot ^Heal. I ^Wish I was ^Okay.
For those ^Who have a ~love~ to ^Give, ~forgiveness~ is the ~first~ and foremost ~foundation~ to ^Maintain. For ~BEST~ ~results~, freely ~win-or-lose~ any ~chance~ for ~forgiveness~ in ~privacy~ and ~respect~ to every ^Mind in our purview. ^Forgiveness is a ^Concept of concepts of concepts, and I am convinced it is second only to ^Love. It is so hard to define ~well~. ^Please ^Forgive my ~lack~ in providing these descriptions.
As soon as we ^Find or ^Hope that we can, ^Try. ^Forgive ^First and ^Last, such as in the morning or evening or at the ~start~ or ~end~ of any activity that may ^Need us to ^Try.
^When we have a ~roadblock~ to ~forgiveness~, ^Try to ^Focus on ^What we can ^Accept and ^Where we cannot ^Accept it, ^Try to ^Ignore it. A ^MESS ensues but ^Remember it is our ~immunity~ at ^Play which means there is ~hope~. After ~all~, we once were little beans ~who~ grew up in remarkable and mysterious ways. It's not as though the instructions to ^Grow from beans were unwritten by the ~hurt~. Yet it can ^Feel as such and far worse. ^When we have felt it, it ~is-what-it-is~. ^Long-term. ^Okay? And it's ^Okay too ^When we haven't experienced that. And I ^Hope many of us ^Never experience that depth of ~needless~ suffering.
Once we have that experience to any degree, we may ^Look and ^Wait for a ^Change in times of ~strength~, and ^Trust our ~immunity~ long ~enough~ to have ~hope~ once ^Again. Perhaps the ~BEST~ is ~still~ in us waiting to ^Be born out as before. ^Please ^Believe it.
^When others have a ~roadblock~ to ~forgiveness~, in ~compassion~ of a ~buddy~ to them we may ^Imagine while ~STRONG~ ~what~ their ^Mind once was: a ~beautiful~ meadow, a mountain of ~strength~, a mighty river with many gentle streams and a ~light~ to others; delightful in so so many ways. The ~BEST~ is ~still~ in there. ^Please ^Believe it. Do to others as though they were the ~BEST~ they once were or the ~BEST~ they may yet ^Be. ^Believe the ~BEST~. Others as ~part~ of their healing may ^Need us to ^See ~good~ in them with an unshakeable conviction irrespective of ~all~ ~evil~ ~now~ ~found~ in them or around them. Once we can ^See it, ^Remember to ^Share. And ^Please ^Share ~now~, without ~force~ and ~slow~.
We should ^Share only with ~humility~ and ~respect~
and anytime it is ~prudent~ and in ~self-control~.
^Please dare to ^Help ~one-another~ and to ^Forgive as ~well~ as we can,
even ^When ^All we can do is to do so with our eyes shut and hands ~low~.
^Accept a ^Free
of nourishment,
of necessary comforts and
of visits in ~gratitude~ of a ~prudent~ ~mind~.
^Likewise, ^Make a ^Free
of our ~food~ and ~drink~,
of our ~home~ and comforts and
of our support and friendship.
As we endeavor to it, ^Seek ~harmony~ in ~how~ we ^Share.
Anytime with caution as to the nature of the ^Need.
^When in ~harmony~ to ~surprise~.
As a ^Buddy, ^When we ^Notice a ~lack~ or ~excess~ of ~sorrow~, we may ^Forgive and ^Sorrow with ~one-another~ in a ^Space of ~trust~.
Anytime in ~motivation~ to ^Restore. Anytime in ~focus~ of ~health~ or ~strength~ within our ~life~.
To ^Oppose ~lack~ or ~excess~ of ~opposition~.
Anytime in ^Simple ^Respect to ^Forgive although in ~presence~ of ^Anger, ^Fear, ^Guilt or ^Desire. For ~example~, ^Forgiveness does not ^Mask our ~anger~. Yet, ^Forgiveness may ^Help ourselves or others to endure ~anger~ until we can ^Heal from it.
Do so only ^When in ~harmony~ to ^Surprise, ^Hate or ^Happiness. For ~example~, we don't ^Want to ^Forgive ^When we ^Feel ~surprise~ regarding ~one-another~ or our environment. Yet once we ^Restore ~harmony~, we may ^Forgive freely as means to alleviate the ^Emotion. We ^Mask next ~steps~ ^When we incautiously ^Forgive irrespective of ^What we ^Feel. That's ^Okay! We can ^Overcome to do ^Better.