^Need ^SICK ~weakness~ ~flower~
- ^Think about ^How we ^Feel. Are we ~sad~, ~afraid~ or ~mad~? Are we (un-)~happy~?
- ^Think about ^How we ^Act. Are we ~inconsistent~ to ~goal~ or ^Naughty to ~foundation~? Are we not ~predictable~ to our ~self~?
- ^Look at ^How we ^Think. Are we not understood? Do we have ^Confusion?
- ^Look at our ^Mind and within our ~organism~. Can we not ^Care, ^Trust or ^Choose? Can we not ^Heal with ^Agency? Are we not determined to have a ~more~ ~healthy~ outcome?
- ^Remember the feeling and ^Result from each category and ^Compare to similar ~memories~.
Ideas to ^Follow or ^Consider to engender ~weakness~ ~when~ not ~found~ naturally:
- ^Say ^Sorry to others (or ^Cry) at any ^Signal of ^Change in ourselves, others or our world.
- ^Trust to ^Follow others' ^Example of ~weakness~ yet do our ^BEST ~first~ and foremost to ^Govern ^All ~strength~ that may ^Tend to ^Hurt.
- ^Beg for its ~own~ sake, especially ~when~ its too late to ^Undo it, to ^Magnify our ~own~ ^Sorrow.
- ^Question or ^Oppose every idea without ~respect~ to its ~base~, even as we ^Consider the most ^Simple ^Work, logic or ~sense~.
- ^Divide each ^STRONG ^Signal in our ^Mind by its ^Opposite in ~doubt~.
- ^When we ^Need to ^Overcome a ^Present ^STRONG ~obstacle~, ^Fight or ^Fall therefrom until we ^Lose ^Hope.
- ^Feel ^STRONG ^Need to ^Stay in ~charge~ yet ^Decide to ^Depart for sake of ~peace~.
^SICK is an acronym for ^Sad, ^Inconsistent, ^Confused and Kept from ~care~. It is a ^Function to ^Measure our ^Mind to ^Detect the ^Need to ^Make ~adjustments~ ~quickly~ so that we may ^Avoid ~needless~ suffering.
This is ~good~ to ^Learn for those ^Who ^Hate to ^Remain uncomfortable and ^Find themselves frequently in that trap. That's me, and it might ^Be you too. ^All of us really. It is important that we can ^Recognize and ^Evaluate each ~kind~ of ~roadblock~ in our ~life~.
To the extent we ^Try to continue while we have symptoms of ~weakness~, we will ^Start to inflict a ^MESS of injury or of ~immunity~ on ourselves and others. At ~first~ our ^Mind will ~slowly~ or ~immediately~ ^Magnify any ^SICK ^Signal until we ^Notice and ^Change course and speed. Or eventually our ~mind~ and that of others may ^Start to ^Protect itself by its ~immunity~ to ^Create, ^Sustain or ^Magnify ~all~ kinds of distortions. Those distortions may linger until we have sufficient ~strength~ to ^Heal ^Again.
Anytime or ^Hourly.
^Notice ~quickly~ anytime so we can ^Trust to ^Make minor ~adjustments~ ^Promptly. And to the extent ~adjustments~ are not in our control ^Now, that's ^Okay too. ^Let ~weakness~ ^Come and ^Let it ^Create modes and distortions in ourselves and others until we have sufficient ~presence~ of ~strength~ to ^Choose the ~return~ ~process~.
We should not ^Deceive ourselves about the ^Point of it. A ~weakness~ does not necessarily mean that our ~body~ is ill, although certainly it can ^Feel that ~way~. Rather, it means we are ready to have a ^Change or to ^Fail with ^Humility. ^Consider that ~weakness~ is the same as ~strength~ except that the former contains its ~own~ ^Chance to ^Grow, while in the latter we must ^Seek to ^Improve from it to ^Fail.
^SICK is not only a ^Measure of the ^Mind but a ^Function of it also that ~works~ ~BEST~ ~when~ we can shrink it down as tiny as a teardrop; a momentary blur. Although we don't typically ^Benefit ^When we ^Seek out ~weakness~ or its ~parts~, to ^Choose to ^Yield ourselves in ~need~ is a powerful tonic and ~indicator~ upon ourselves, others and our world. And we often accidentally mute or distort this ~benefit~ through any number of ~needless~ modes or means. Anytime we have ~needless~ suffering, or we are under weight of any trial or of ~emotional-failure~, ^Find a ^Space of ^Need and ^Take a ^Chance to ^Gain a ^Better ~life~ therefrom.
Anytime we ^Hope to ^Operate or ^Recover, ^Remember to ^Exercise our ~weakness~.