^Be ^Become ~self~ ~between~ ~individually~


A person running in the world, with a slow sign and a stop sign in view,
who is thinking about themselves in the world, with a slow sign and a stop sign in view.


  1. A dichotomous ~presence~ of activity. 
    1. ^Become ourselves as we ^Go, ^Look and ^Stop in ~cycle~ into our world. 
    2. ^Become ~part~ of our world as we ^Look, ^Go and ^Stop in ~cycle~ into ^Self. 
  2. And a steady ^Balance of it. 
    1. Ourselves, our world and others. 
    2. ^Stop, ^Look and ^Go. 
    3. ^Feel, ^Act and ^Think. 
    4. ^More!


^Become is a mode of ^Function that ~helps~ us to ^Operate acceptably with ourselves, others and our world.  For those ^Who ^Remember to ^Be ourselves and to ^Be ~part~ of our world at the same time.  Yet that's a ~conflict~ in ~operation~.  We can only ^Turn in one ~direction~ ~at-a-time~.  So, we cannot really ^Be both at the same time.  Yet somehow we must ^Be doing both simultaneously.  So, as we ^Care to experience one, we should ^Remember (and ^Hope not to ^Forget) to ^Mind the other. 

To ^Overcome the logical contradiction, we may ^Say that the ~self~ is a ~partition~ ~between~ ourselves and our world that only contains two things: the ~self~ and the ~partition~ itself. 


^Always in ~full~ yet ~always~ ^Half-or-double ^What we ^Imagine it is.  The ~start~, ~middle~ and ~end~ of every journey on our ~PATH~. 


My Notes