^Cooperate to ^Increase our Capacity to ^Act
^When we ^Cooperate, it may ^Engage so many ~parts~ of our ^Mind with others and with our world, that even a ~simple~ ~exercise~ of its modes ~helps~ ourselves and others to have ~strength~ and ^Improve.
Each ^Concept or ~mode~ is like a workout. Sometimes a single ^Step of a ~mode~ functions like a whole workout. We do not constantly ^Engage in ~exercise~ but we ^Choose to apply a workout in ~repeat~ ^Regularly and then ^See ^How we ~grow~ from it.
I ^Feel so lame at the gym ^When I do not have a workout to ^Follow. But gladly I have ~found~ ~benefit~ from the ~inspiration~ of ~intuition~ to ^Fit some ~help~ from trainers and to ^Mark or ^Collect each workout routine as I ~progress~.
Some of these conceptual workouts we may excel naturally while for others we may ^Need to ^Research and ^Study or ^Find a trainer and ^Train rigorously for it. ^All these approaches are ^Okay! We can use our ~intuition~ and ~outlook~ within ourselves to ^Find ^What is ~BEST~ for us ~individually~.
Once we ^Practice these or other sufficient workouts to ^Heal, ^Who can ^Say ^What our extra ~strength~ can do? ^Let's ^Find out!
The modes of ^Cooperate include ^Purpose, ^Law, ^Reputation, ^Foundation, ^Counsel, ^Full and ^Respect.