^Build ~reputation~
- ^Help ourselves and others to ^Know ^When to ^Think about it.
- ^Choose ^How to ^Act the ~part~ and do it ^Regularly.
- ^Trust ^How we ^Make ~one-another~ ^Feel about it.
- ^Care to ^Match ^How we ^Think to the ~part~ we ^Play and ^Commit to it.
- ^Remember it yet do not obsess over it.
- ^Maximize ^Respect for it.
^Reputation is a mode of ^Cooperate that ~helps~ us to understand and appreciate ~one-another~ ^Better. We can ^Never capture ~complexity~ in ~full~, but we should ^Try to have an edible ~self~ for ourselves and others to ^Digest: of ^Who we are. ^Keep the appearance of tact intact in ^How we ^Act.
Anytime we ^Tend to ^Cower or otherwise get ~lost~ in the crowd, ^Try to ^Improve our ^Reputation from within to the skin.