^Avoid ^Escape ~aversion~ ~chase~
- ^Forgive ^First and ^Last so ^Again we may ^Heal and ^Remember it ^No ^More.
^Accept and ^Hold ^Anger to ^Yield or ^Fight until ^Flight in ~show~ of it.
- ^Anticipate to ^Magnify our ^Fear of ^Conflict to ^Gain ^Peace with it.
^Look to ^Consider our ^Own ^Safety before we ^Consider other ^Adjustments.
- ^No ^More ^Shame or ^Disgust from ~abuse~ or until we ^Find ^Fit ^Again.
- ^Accept ^Anger at ^Abuse ^When we cannot ^Refuse nor ^Say ^Never ^Again.
- ^Say ^No to ^Abuse or ^Harm once we ^Believe to ^Find ~adequacy~ ^Again.
^Become ^Better to ^Move away from it or ^Magnify ^Anger to ^Chase it away.
- ^Refuse ~communication~ with it and ^Go from it.
- ^Leave it; ^Look elsewhere.
- ^Forget it; ^Stop any ~goal~ to ^Contend with it.
^Seek ^Adequacy to ^Maintain our ^Portion of ~peace~ from it.
- ^Mark to ^Mind every mode of ^Boundary, ^Emotion and ^Symbol.
- ^Make ^STRONG our ^Purpose and ^Commitment to ^Never ^Return.
- ^Never ^Mind it ^Again except in ~boundary~ to its ~presence~.
^Avoid is a mode of ^Change that is ~prudent~ to prevent or ^Limit ~needless~ or ~excess~ ~change~ which may ^Come upon us. For those ^Who are not ready to ^Grow from it. We may ^Become ^Prudent in our ~aversion~, for once we ^Refresh and ^Feel ^Better, we may ^Proceed to ^Overcome instead.
Anytime for sake of ~survival~ against danger of ~abuse~. Anytime to ^Limit ~conflict~ or to ^Limit risk to ^Offend a ~foundation~ within ourselves or within others. Anytime we ^Find disapproval but cannot yet ~grow~ in that regard.
^When we ^Feel trapped, ^Remember to ^Say three words: May I ^Go?
And it shall ^Become an ^Open ~purpose~ to ^Consent to ^Escape soon.