^Hide ^Close ^Leave ~privacy~ ~alone~


A closed wooden door built of vertical slats, rounded at the top, with a handle in the middle.


  1. ^Avoid appearance from it that may ^Be ^Subject to ~ridicule~, ~jealousy~ or ~abuse~. 
  2. ^Protect and obscure undisclosed differences and details about it. 
  3. ^Avoid any ~attempt~ to ^Name-or-express it in disapproval. 
  4. ^Temper differences that may ^Tempt ~excess~ approval, ~judgment~ or ~abuse~ about it. 
  5. ^Chastise or ^Escape those ^Who do not ^Respect it. 
  6. ^Encapsulate ~self~. 


^Privacy is a mode of ^Change that may ^Grant ^More value to our ^Reputation without guile or ~deception~.  We must ^Consider the impact on ourselves and others with great sensitivity, so ^When in ~doubt~ err on the side of ~privacy~.  It ~helps~ us to ^Build ~trust~ and enable ~choice~ amidst ~diversity~. 


Anytime we ^Need ~space~ to ^MESS or ^Heal.  ^Always. 


My Notes