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A place to read and explore Mental-Emotional-Self Healing in The Book of MESH

A turtle with a happy heart inside.

How to download and install The Book of MESH

You may download The Book of MESH to any supported device in these four simple steps:

  1. Go to The Book of MESH and login promptly: Mental-Emotional-Self Healing
  2. Open the top left menu and scroll to the Book Settings section.
  3. Select or re-select answer: Download? > Yes
  4. Confirm the download and wait for the progress bar to become full and then vanish. 

To make The Book of MESH accessible now, you just need to install it as an icon on your home screen.  Look for the install button on the nav bar and in the browser menu.  Once downloaded and icon installed, enjoy reading, even without internet! 

MESH Metonym List

The Book of MESH has many concepts and names

MESH Worksheets

Want to try out some quick worksheets for Mental-Emotional-Self Healing?  See these Watchful Worksheets.  Enjoy! 

The story behind The Book of MESH

Want to read about my adventure to write Mental-Emotional-Self Healing?  See this journal On the Road to ^Inspire Others.  Enjoy! 

Beyond The Book of MESH

See Further Reading and Beware of Dog