^Branch ~tree~
- ^Create a ~list~ of items (nodes) and do so in ~order~.
- Recursive formation: In context of any item (node), ^Create a ^Tree for it to ^Make its parent ^Tree ~grow~.
^Prefer to
^Minimize branching of ~tree~.
- A two-level or three-level ~tree~ may ^Swap for a ^Map (with or without color).
- Or ^Connect its items (nodes) via ^Symbol to ^Become as a ~tree~ of any depth.
- ^Prefer ^DRY-KISS and ^Turtles ^When we ^Create it.
^Tree is a mode of ^Write that ~helps~ us capture information in branches as semi-structured data. ^Tree is a technique to ^Help us ^Think about ourselves, others and our world. A technique to ^Name-or-express may ^Minimize appearance of depth or ^Give us further ~insight~.
Anytime we ^Want to ^Make explaining ^How easier. Anytime a topic lends itself to a ~tree~ structure.