^Branch ~tree~


A fractal tesselated tree of trees.
A main tree with five small trees stemming from its leaves.
Each small tree has four smaller trees stemming litewise from their leaves.
Each smaller tree has three tiny trees stemming likewise.
Each tiny three has two tinier trees stemming likewise.


  1. ^Create a ~list~ of items (nodes) and do so in ~order~. 
  2. Recursive formation: In context of any item (node), ^Create a ^Tree for it to ^Make its parent ^Tree ~grow~. 
  3. ^Prefer to ^Minimize branching of ~tree~. 
    1. A two-level or three-level ~tree~ may ^Swap for a ^Map (with or without color). 
    2. Or ^Connect its items (nodes) via ^Symbol to ^Become as a ~tree~ of any depth. 
  4. ^Prefer ^DRY-KISS and ^Turtles ^When we ^Create it. 


^Tree is a mode of ^Write that ~helps~ us capture information in branches as semi-structured data.  ^Tree is a technique to ^Help us ^Think about ourselves, others and our world.  A technique to ^Name-or-express may ^Minimize appearance of depth or ^Give us further ~insight~. 


Anytime we ^Want to ^Make explaining ^How easier.  Anytime a topic lends itself to a ~tree~ structure. 


My Notes