^Separate ^Part ~partition~ ~parts~
- ^Choose a range: a ~list~ of concepts, of ideas or, of impressions of our world.
^Divide it up into groups.
- The members of a group form that ~part~ of the ~partition~.
- The ~part~ itself may ^Become a final member of the group.
- The ~parts~ ~together~ may have membership in a collective ~partition~.
- The collective ~partition~ may have a member as its representative.
^Example partitions of concepts in The Book of ^MESH.
- ^Mind: ^Feel, ^Act, ^Think, ^Mind
- ^Agency: ^Trust, ^Choose, ^Care, ^Loom
- *^Health: ^MESH, ^MESS, ^Fail, ^Try, ^STRONG, ^SICK, …
- Timing: ^Slow, ^Now, ^Later, ^Schedule, ^Break, ^Imagine, ^Sleep
- *^Complexity: ^How, ^FAST, ^Express, ^Table, ^Partition, …
- Tangibility: ^Who, ^What, ^When, ^Where, ^Why, ^How, ^Name, ^Figure, ^Concept
- The Book of ^MESH and its ~organization~ of chapters, concepts and lenses.
- Any other projection of our ~mind~ or reality, such as ~emotion~, ~sense~, etc.
^Partition is a mode of ^Write that ~helps~ us to ^Separate each item in a ~domain~ into its category of ~function~. Complementary or compatible sets of items are called a ~partition~ as we neatly ^Divide a single thing into broad categories, capturing a virtual majority of cases within some range. For areas of discussion that are like ^Turtles, it may (in ~relation~ to our ^Purpose) ^Help to include the entire group or ~collection~ as a final element of itself. Or else it may ^Help to have one member of the group ~dual~ as a representative of the set.
Anytime we ^Need to ^Evaluate or ^Change an (im-)^Balance of ^Mind, ^Consider it and its ~parts~ as a ^Partition.