^Write ^Journal ~mark~ ~note~
- ^Choose a convenient means to record it. ^Trust and ^Care ~first~ in preparation.
For formal ~communication~, or ~organization~ of ideas or important details, ^Consider:
- A time/date ~first~ and/or a log of updates.
- ^Collect relevant details.
- Add a title ^When its ^Purpose is apparent.
- ^Choose and ^Care to ^Write formal ~work~.
- ^Imagine or ^Aim to ^Tell someone else (our future ~self~, a ~buddy~ or posterity).
- ^Separate it from informal notes.
- ^Search for ~time-and-place~ to capture it.
Scratch ~work~, informal ~communication~ or disposable lists, ^Consider:
- ^Separate it from formal notes.
- ^Leave it ^Where we ^Need it.
- ^Trust and ^Care to ^Write it in any ~way~ that we ^Feel is right.
- Review ^Regularly.
^Mark is a mode of ^Write to capture our thoughts ~quickly~ as we ^Avoid an ~excess~ of distraction. This is for everyone! We can ^Make a ~habit~ to ^Journal.
To ^Separate scratch ~work~ from formal ~work~ in the same ~journal~, we can ^Feel the nature of ^What we are about to ^Write and ^Choose to ^Separate it. For ^Example, we may put scratch ~work~ on the left (~back~) side of a page and ^Proper ~communication~ on the right (~front~ or ~dominant~) side of a page.
Anytime we ^Need time to ^Explore ~complexity~ or as an ~aid~ to ^Share or ^Remember.