^Figure ^Make ^Create ~picture~ ~beautiful~ ~beauty~


A metal pole with three signs attached at the top.
A red stop sign and above it two street signs.
A green rectangular sign with white lettering, CARROT ST, just above and orthogonal to the stop sign.
A green rectangular sign with white lettering, FIGURE RD, just above and orthogonal to the other street sign and at the top of the pole.


  1. ^Explore it. 
  2. Draw it with ^Care to ^Beautify. 
    1. Have us ^Think about it. 
    2. ^Help us ^Feel it. 
    3. ^Help us ^Act in ~accord~ to it. 


^Figure is a mode of ^Space in which we ^Organize or ^Mirror one ^Space while we consume or observe another.  A ~picture~ is worth a thousand words, and it ~helps~ to center our ~mind~.  We may ^Swap this for any other creative ^Act or experience that may ^Tend to ^Move our ~emotion~. 


Anytime we ^Care ~enough~ to ^Inspire a greater ~sense~ of ^Care in ourselves or others. 


My Notes