^Transform ~clean~ ~bucket~


A metal bucket full of water sitting on the ground near a wall.
A yellow rectangular sponge sitting on the ground to the left of the bucket.


  1. ^Choose a ~time-and-place~ to ^Clean ^Regularly. 
    1. ^Hope that it is an ^Act to ^Refine. 
  2. ^Trust to ^Transform as needed. 
    1. ^Look for ^When a small ^Act ^Now will ^Save us ^Later. 
  3. ^Separate it as a ~partition~. 
    1. ^Choose a ~space~ to ^Move each item with ~respect~ to its ^PLR. 
  4. ^Search to ^Refresh it with the right tools. 
    1. ^Water and a mild soap.  Specialty items only for special cleaning. 
    2. A cloth or other scrubber that may be wetted and dried, dirtied and cleaned in ~repeat~. 
    3. ^Love and the ~strength~ of ^Care to ^Refuse that in our world which causes us ~needless~ ~weakness~. 


^Clean is a mode of ^Space which may ^Tend to ^Transform our ^Space into something ^More ~healthy~ or something that we ^Desire.  For every ^Mind to ^Engage for itself at its ~own~ ^Pace as its ~own~ ^Reward.  ^Care to be ~clean~. 


The ^First and ^Last ^Act of our ^Day and at every ^Break.  Anytime we ^Start to ^Work with our ^Mind or that of others, ^Look to the state of our environment and its ~opportunities~ for ^Betterment, so we may understand the ^Mind within us and its ~opportunities~ to ^Improve. 


My Notes