^Slow ^Pace ~slowly~ ~turtle~


A slow sign in shape of a diamond truncated to an octagon.
Orange background with a truncated thick black diamond border.
The word SLOW printed in black at the center.


  1. ^Start within a set timeframe. 
    1. ^Go to the place ~where~ it should ^Start and ^Explore. 
    2. ^Name-or-express one ~part~ of a large task. 
    3. ^Try to ^Develop one small ~part~ of it ^FAST. 
  2. ^Refresh as ~motivation~ for ~hourly~ ^Progress. 
  3. Set a time ^Limit for ~work~ before ~break~, such as a pomodoro timer. 
  4. ^Take time to ^Feel the ^Purpose driving the ^Desire to do otherwise. 
  5. ^Forget it or ^Fail it ^When it is too ~busy~. 


^Slow is a ^Super mode of ^Schedule that ~helps~ us ^Balance a ~variety~ of other modes of ^Schedule.  ^All of us have large tasks or repetitive tasks that we may have trouble to ^Start, ^End or ^Pace.  ^Try to ^Go ~slow~ as a ^Fix to an indeterminate ~excess~ of ~later~, ~busy~ or ~schedule~. 


Anytime our ~mind~ may ^Say to do it ~later~ or to ^Schedule it, but we ^Need to ^Start it.  Anytime it is urgent but hard to do ^Now.  Anytime we are not sure ^When to do something that will ^Take ~work~. 


My Notes