^React ^Now ^Promptly ~immediately~ ~busy~ ~quickly~


A clock, with the arm of a turtle in view.
The turtle is pointing to the second hand of the clock at the moment.


  1. ^Sense ^Surprise ~alone~ to our ~organism~ or to that of others in ~anticipation~ of ^Loss. 
    1. ^See ^No ^PATH of ^Delay. 
    2. ^Anticipate to ^Win-or-lose or ^Reward in ~presence~ of a ~PATH~ to ^Change course. 
    3. Have an ~obstacle~ to our ~sight~ or ~hope~ of a ~long-term~ ~solution~ to a ~problem~ and in ~presence~ of a quick ~fix~. 
    4. ^Minimize ^Imagination or ^Sleep until we ^Trust to ^Work on it. 
    5. Put an ~obstacle~ to other priorities such as ~needless~ ~daily-self-care~ or delegate other ~daily-self-care~ to those ^Who ^Care and are ~free~ yet ~helpful~. 
    6. Everything else do ~later~, ~schedule~ it or ~slow~ it. 
  2. Clear the ~schedule~ until it is ~enough~ or ^Fail in ~need~. 


^Now is a mode of ^Schedule that ~helps~ us ^Increase our urgency and our determination in the only moment that we have in hand.  ^Achieve ~now~ in whatever ~way~ we ^Feel meets the urgency of the moment. 


Anytime we ^Notice any neglect or ~forget~ ~daily-self-care~ for ourselves or others.  Anytime our ~subconscious~ ~mind~, our ~choice~ or others ^Tell us ~later~ but we must ^Start despite being ~exhausted~ or despite competing priorities.  Don't ^Always ^Save ~now~ for ~later~. 


My Notes