^Emotion ^Oppose ^Opposite ^Desperate ~lens~ ~opposition~ ~emnity~ ~emotional-failure~


A purple splooch with 6 divisions lines oriented to the odd numbers of a clock.
Desire, Fear, Disgust, Anger, Shame and Happy at 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2, respectively.


  1. ^Partition into three or four ~parts~:
    1. To ^Act. 
    2. To ^Feel. 
    3. To ^Think. 
    4. (Optional) To ^Mind. 
  2. ^How do we ^Act? 
    1. ^Fear in ~thirst~ of ^Agency. 
    2. ^Shame in ~thirst~ of ^Cooperation. 
  3. ^What do we ^Feel? 
    1. ^Anger in ~thirst~ of ^Boundary. 
    2. ^Desire in ~thirst~ of ^Empathy. 
  4. ^When do we ^Think? 
    1. ^Disgust in ~thirst~ to ^Diverge. 
    2. ^Happy in ~thirst~ of ^Function. 
  5. Optionally, ^Identify one ~part~ of the group as the ^Super mode which has ~maximum~ ~respect~ to all other modes in the group.  ^Why do we ^Mind? 
    1. ^Surprise in ~thirst~ of ^Life. 
    2. ^Sorrow in ~thirst~ to ^Restore. 
  6. ^Recognize ~emotional-failure~. 
    1. Every ^Desperate feeling or ^Emotion may ^Become indesperate as we ^Fall into a ~sense~ of its ~maximum~ ~consequence~. 
    2. ^When we are ^Desperate, or not ^Desperate despite our insufficiency and our ~BEST~ efforts, ^Seek ^Harmony to ^Recover ~now~. 


As we ^Work to ^Process our ~excess~ of ^Emotion by any ^Concept, it ~helps~ to have a ~map~ of concepts to ^Apply in ~regard~ to the emotions we ^Feel.  It is a pattern to assign concepts and modes to our emotions. 

For those ^Who ^Want to ^Maintain their ~ability~ ^Day by ^Day, so in time they may have courage and ~strength~ to resolve deeply rooted suffering.  You'll ^Make it one ^Day.  And me too.  I ^Know it! 


Anytime we ^Feel something.  Once we ^Create a ~map~ of it, we may ^Give it to our ~self~, our ~family~ or others ~long-term~.  Any ^Concept from any ~source~ may ^Be the key to ^Heal, ^Help or ^Tend our ~emotion~.  ^Look for it.  ^When a ~map~ does not ~work~ we may ^Need to ^Swap, ^Shuffle or ^Use another ~mode~ in ~replacement~. 

^When we ^Apply a ^Lens, mainly we ^Want to ^Start from an ^Emotion to ^Identify the axis (F, A, T) on which to ^Work and then ^Find a ^Concept that lives on that axis or whose ^Super mode lives on that axis. 

^Think of each ^Emotion as a ~problem~ to ^Encourage us to ^Work, and each mode as a ~solution~ to ^Match it.  Just ^Work from ~emotion~ to mode on the same axis. 


My Notes