Modes of ^Function
Welcome to ^Care–it Street! It's a place we like to ^Go once we ^Find the ~motivation~. A street we ^Always pass because we ^Never ^Look for it. A road for sure but it's small with many intersections and ^Stop signs. It smells awful on one ~end~ and it hides in plain ~sight~ on the other. It's ~full~ of potential to ^Grow, in shambles and ~full~ of the evidence of ~exhausted~ workers. It ^Never fails to bring ~home~ the bacon, and we join it in peril for we are small in ~comparison~ to the power of its vehicles.
The modes of ^Function represent the most essential of ~healthy~ modes of our ^Mind. ^When ~healthy~, each mode acts as a pure ^Function within and around our world. These modes of ^Function include ^Go, ^Look, ^Stop, ^Become, ^SICK, ^Trustful and ^Forgive. Each is a ~signal~ for us to ^Notice and to ^Mind and a ~time-and-place~ to ^Return ^Regularly to ^Maintain ~good~ ~health~. ^Let's ~learn~ our signals.