^Good ^Terrific ~wonderful~ ~awareness~
- ^Act to ^Give our ~strength~ with ^Hope to ^Improve the ~PATH~ for ~one-another~.
- ^Feel ~inspiration~ to ^Overcome our ~own~ ~weakness~ in ~accord~ to ^Truth.
- ^Think with ^Love and ^Desire ^Good towards the world and ~one-another~.
- ^Care about ^Truth, ^Love and ^Family.
- ^Judge only against ~strength~ of ~evil~ yet ^Seek ^How ~BEST~ to spare each ^Mind from it ~first~.
^Good is a mode of ^Connect that ~helps~ us to ^Act compatibly with ourselves, others and our world. This is a ^Concept of concepts and very hard to define except as we ^Gain ~tenderness~ of experience on our ~PATH~. It is ~buddy~ to ourselves, others and our world ~now~, and it is ^No ~buddy~ to any ~mode~ or ^Concept with exclusivity. Our experience with it may ~help~ us ^Temper our modes in ~maximum~ ~balance~ and ~fit~.
Anytime we ^Start to ^Work with our ^Mind or that of others, we can ^Seek to ^Act with ~good~ in ~mind~.