^Improve ^Develop ~BEST~ ~develops~
- ^Build the pivots of ~life~.
- Encircle them with the curving ~steps~ of ~imagination~.
- Spring them outward from the ^Mind.
- ^Turn every worlds' minds' unquenchable ~thirst~ for ~betterment~.
^Improve is a mode of ^Connect that gets us to ^Move in the ~BEST~ ~way~. ^BEST is an acronym for ^Build, Encircle, Spring and ^Turn. Each ^Step is a ~metaphor~ for ^How to ^Improve our world.
This is the ^Foundation of The Book of ^MESH. To ^Save our heads a little longer. To tap a ~message~ into our ~mind~ to spare it a little longer. We each have our ~own~ ^Part to ^Play in ~independence~. ^Take ^Moderate ^Interest in the whole in ~cooperation~.
The ^Knowledge to ^Heal is very ~simple~ yet valuable and hard to obtain. It is often nontransferable by words, so we ^Feel ~frustration~ to earn it and we are glad to ^Gain it. In fact, to ^Give it by words often teaches us the ~opposite~ lessons if delivered without ~mutual~ ^Empathy and ^Consent. So, sadly, our ~goal~ to ^Learn to ^Heal in this ~way~ is impossible, unless we can ^Find ^Where to wrestle with it for ourselves. At the least, as we ^Study it ~together~ we may reach only a shallow copy of it ^Between our minds. Yet we are not without ^Hope. ^When we can ^Replace any ^Concept with feeling of ~empathy~ and ~consent~ towards it thereafter we can ~learn~ it ^Adequately.
Therefore, this distortion of a book and every other distortion like it ~works~ in the only ~way~ it can ^Work! Just ^Look, then ^Try and finally ~live~ our ~BEST~ ~knowledge~ of the ~BEST~ ~parts~ of it. ^What does that mean?
^Well, we can lend our ~strength~ to every ~weakness~. We can ^Find the paths in ourselves and each ~part~ of our lives and each in our ~own~ ~way~. By ^Love and for ^Love we ^Find the ~way~. ^Look for our ~PATH~. ^Go on our ~PATH~. ^Stop on our ~PATH~. The only time to be our ~BEST~ is in ~life~ so ^Let's not waste it. It ~works~!