^Limit ~law~ ~limitations~


We ourselves and others
in care to avoid a perfect mess,
in hope to heal in betterment of self,
in goal to our refinement with our world,
in reward of every mind with more love and
in respect of all who try and fail properly
LIMIT ourselves to two of the best cookies
(in half or double measure) except when they are
warm and fresh; then we refresh without limit.
We remember our FAT mind works well
but against temptation for more cookies we choose
self-control or chastisement from it.


  1. ^Help ourselves and others to ^Know ^How to ^Act about it. 
  2. ^Figure out the ~way~ ^FAST and ^Explore the current ~foundation~. 
  3. ^Explore ^How to ^Minimize every ~good~ and ~evil~ ~consequence~ of it. 
  4. ^Try to ^Mark the ~way~ to ^Protect and ^Shelter ~one-another~ without ^Conflict. 
    1. Support its ^Purpose, ^Reputation and ^Family. 
    2. ^Avoid ~conflict~ with itself and any other ~foundation~ in ~relation~ to it. 


^Law is a mode of ^Cooperate that ~helps~ us ^Encourage the ~mutual~ ~benefit~ of ~poise~ among ~one-another~.  For those ^Who ~live~ in a deterministic or nondeterministic universe, ^Law is inevitable or necessary, ~respectively~.  Use ^Care ^When we ^Connect it to any ~mode~ of ^Change.  Our universe has ^Law so also each ~foundation~ within it should be compatible with that ^Law and that of any ^Mind or ~foundation~ in ~relation~ to it. 


Anytime we ^Want to support a ~purpose~ or ~reputation~ for any ~family~ or any ^Mind.  Anytime we ^Want to ^Moderate ~force~ or other modes of control among ourselves and our ~foundation~, we can ^Choose to be ^More prescriptive in ^How we ^Act. 


My Notes