^Limit ~law~ ~limitations~
- ^Help ourselves and others to ^Know ^How to ^Act about it.
- ^Figure out the ~way~ ^FAST and ^Explore the current ~foundation~.
- ^Explore ^How to ^Minimize every ~good~ and ~evil~ ~consequence~ of it.
^Try to
^Mark the ~way~ to ^Protect and ^Shelter ~one-another~ without ^Conflict.
- Support its ^Purpose, ^Reputation and ^Family.
- ^Avoid ~conflict~ with itself and any other ~foundation~ in ~relation~ to it.
^Law is a mode of ^Cooperate that ~helps~ us ^Encourage the ~mutual~ ~benefit~ of ~poise~ among ~one-another~. For those ^Who ~live~ in a deterministic or nondeterministic universe, ^Law is inevitable or necessary, ~respectively~. Use ^Care ^When we ^Connect it to any ~mode~ of ^Change. Our universe has ^Law so also each ~foundation~ within it should be compatible with that ^Law and that of any ^Mind or ~foundation~ in ~relation~ to it.
Anytime we ^Want to support a ~purpose~ or ~reputation~ for any ~family~ or any ^Mind. Anytime we ^Want to ^Moderate ~force~ or other modes of control among ourselves and our ~foundation~, we can ^Choose to be ^More prescriptive in ^How we ^Act.