^Self-control ^Poise ~properly~ ~proper~
until we have ^Self-control.
- ^Care about it.
- ^Choose for sake of it without ^Result.
- ^Wait without ~reward~.
- ^Care ^Again in ~repeat~ though we ^Tend to ^Fail ^More from it.
- ^Wait for it.
^Work ~alone~.
- ^Minimize or ^Moderate ~consequence~ except ^Where important or to ~focus~ our ~desire~ for it.
- ^Choose the ~BEST~ that is within our power.
- ^Improve and ^Practice other modes of ^Progress until ~long-term~ is mastered.
- ^Hold each aspect of our ^Motivation in ~poise~ ~equal~ to its ~dual~ (for ~example~, ^Harmony and ^Focus).
^Self-control is a ^Super mode of our ^Agency yet efforts to obtain it prove a challenge because it acts in ~opposition~ to our ^Agency also. From this ~process~ we ^Choose ~betterment~ with ^Care.
For those ^Who ^Dance ~well~ but do not ~know~ ^When or ^How to ^Refuse it. That's you! For those ~who~ ~think~ they ^Dance ~well~ but ^Need to ^Work on their timing. That is you ^Again but don't ^Worry. To ^Learn to ^Wait is the whole thing, and it may ^Come one ^Day. ^Sleep on it every ^Day and ^Try ^Again in the morning. You got the ~patience~ for it. I ^Know it!
We have a ^Rhythm within our ~body~ wherein we ^Rest and ^Digest. ^Likewise we ^Need ~strength~ to ^Wait to ^Achieve ^Self-control.
As we ^Gain ^Self-control among ourselves, others and our world, we ^Move towards ^Moderate ^Agency among ourselves, others and our world. So, ^Less ^Agency from ^When it is at a ~maximum~, and ^More ^Agency from ^When it is at a ~minimum~. Do you ^See ^How?
Anytime we have ~become~ ~helpful~ and have sufficient ~strength~ to ^Try.