Modes of ^Symbol

Welcome to the ~first~ chapter of ~beautiful~ and necessary modes for our ^Mind.  It has taken both hard ~work~ and ~inspiration~ in ~intuition~ and in ~outlook~ to ^Share this ~variety~ of modes and wrestle them into neat little chapters.  My ~goal~ has ^Become to capture in some broad ~sense~ the ~variety~ of modes which ^Present in ourselves and others. 

^How often did we ^Notice something (a ~mode~ in ~strength~ in ourselves, others or our world) and thought, Wow, that is ~crazy~, we ^Need to ^Stop or ^Stay away from that!

But it was not ~crazy~.  It was only a mode and that means we are ~wonderful~ yet have suffered through something hard.  And in the ~strength~ of our modes we survived and thrived from it ~all~!  But gladly (in ~purpose~ of The Book of ^MESH) not only is it our ~habit~ to ^See the craziness, but it is also our ~chance~ to ^Look for the ~BEST~ in us.  And most critically to our success we can ^Find a ~way~ to ^Love it. 

As we ^Yield from the ^Charge of our opinion in ~judgment~ and ^Seek to ^Merge those two ~opposite~ ideas (^See it as ~crazy~ in us versus to ^See the ~BEST~ in us) a ~miracle~ of emergence occurs.  It turns out it ~works~ to ^Be both.  We can ^Always ^Take this or that particular of ~crazy~ and re-describe it as important and useful

Once we do that ^Swap ~between~ ~crazy~ and useful it may ^Become easy to ^See that that ~is-what-it-is~ exactly!!!  For ^MESH, we ^All may ^Take ^Aim to ^Love ourselves and ~all~ of our active modes.  As a ~subject~ and objects in ~relation~, you and they are truly worthy of admiration.  Once we ^Find and ^Feel it in ~empathy~ ~together~ in this ~way~, we may ~hope~ fruitfully to ^Find some time to ^Connect with ~one-another~ about it too.  We cannot admire the ~needless~ suffering from it but from that past suffering we may ^Become ^Grateful for it. 

Just as easily we could cloud our ^Judgment like a ^Merge in reverse as we ^Take our ~BEST~ ~talent~ and then ^Explore just ^How ~crazy~ it is instead.  It is great for a ~giggle~ or ~laugh~.  We ^See so much ~more~ than we understand, but we can ^Be ~grateful~ nonetheless. 

Here are some important modes of ^Symbol: ^DRY-KISS, ^Symbol, ^Swap, ^Permute, ^Forget, ^Remember and ^Turtles.  These modes are universal and necessary.  The modes of ^Symbol ^Tend to cause oversimplification or enigmatic obfuscation but without them, we could not ^Think about ourselves, others or our world.  So ^Care to ^Moderate their use. 

^Now ^Let's ^Start this romance with ~all~ our modes with a kiss! 


My Notes