^Compare ^Estimate ^Normal ~comparison~ ~regularly~ ~half-or-double~


On right, two transparent glass cups full of water.
On left, a similar cup, half full of water and half empty.


  1. ^Mark a ^Prudent numerical amount such as time, cost, value or other attributes. 
  2. Allow ourselves to ^Compare among items whose attributes miss the ^Mark by one third or triple for very small amounts, by ~half-or-double~ for most amounts or by plus or minus a small percentage for large amounts. 
  3. To ^Take a small ~comparison~ and ^Make it larger, the range of acceptability should tighten in percentage as much as it expands in amount: in inverse proportion to and in proportion to, ~respectively~, the square root of the ratio ^Between amounts. 
  4. For an upper or lower ~boundary~ or ~limit~ that we ~learn~ from ~intuition~ and ~outlook~ or that we ^Gain by ~trust~ and ~choice~, have ~poise~ to treat it as ~perfect~ rather than as ~estimate~. 
  5. After we ^Choose, we ^Care to ^Trust or ^Fail that ~point~ of ~choice~ for another one. 
  6. After we ^Trust, we ^Care to ^Choose or ^Fail that ~point~ of ~trust~ for another one. 


^Half-or-double is a mode of ^Space that ~helps~ us ~overcome~ the ~opposition~ we ^Feel from the ^Chaos of arbitrary ~diversity~ within any ^Space of ~comparison~.  A rule of thumb to allow for a ~variety~ of distortions in ourselves and others.  Sometimes despite our ~knowledge~ of ~consequence~ we must ^Make ^Surprise ~adjustments~.  ^Consider as we ^Make a ~comparison~ that ^When we ^Vary it by ^More than ^Half-or-double, we ^Compare apples to oranges so, it is probably not ^What we ^Seek yet ^When it is within range it might be ^What we ^Seek. 

For ~comparison~ among large and small amounts, we may often employ the ^Law of large numbers (L.L.N.).  For ~example~, we may have begun with an amount of three hundred plus or minus seventeen in our ~estimate~.  But ~now~ we ^Need to ^Find an amount of deviation which is ~good~ for a much larger amount; that of one thousand two hundred.  So, we ^Find the ratio (four) ^Between the large amount (one thousand two hundred) and the small amount (three hundred).  Next we ^Take the square root of it (two) to ^Find the ratio ^Between deviations.  So, we should expect one thousand two hundred plus or minus thirty-four (seventeen times two).  Don't ^Worry but ~learn~ it with ^Practice and ^Trust there is ~help~ ^When we have ~need~. 


Anytime we must assign or ^Compare amounts.  ^Avoid assigning cost or value to any ^Mind or ~foundation~ but freely ^Consider it with ^Respect to that of its ~parts~.  But only ^Consider it in ~parts~ to the extent we can reasonably ^Hope to ^Inspire it for its ~own~ sake and ^Believe to ^Improve it for its ~own~ sake. 


My Notes