^Refresh ~daily-self-care~


A full glass of water.


  1. ^Food and ^Water for ourselves and others in ~moderation~ and in ~humility~. 
  2. ^Shelter and ^Clothes for ourselves and others with ~honesty~ and ~respect~ for our world. 
  3. ^Help and ^Advocate for others, our world and ourselves.  ^Become ~helpful~ to our ~need~. 
  4. ^When we are ^Desperate, or not ^Desperate despite our insufficiency and our ~BEST~ efforts, ^Seek ^Harmony to ^Recover ~now~. 


^Refresh is a ^Super mode to ^Refresh our ~body~ and ~mind~ for ^Normal ~restore~ within ourselves and, to others and our world.  For those ^Who have a ~life~ to ^Live, ~daily-self-care~ is the ~first~ and foremost ~foundation~ to ^Maintain.  For ~BEST~ ~results~, freely ^Share any ~chance~ for ~daily-self-care~ in ~privacy~ and ~respect~ to every ^Mind in our purview. 


Anytime we have ~need~ or are the least bit unsure of ^Why we are ^SICK.  ^Always.  ^Take ^Care ^First and ^Last, such as in the morning or at the ^Start of any activity that may ^Need us to ^Try. 

^When an ~obstacle~ to ~daily~ ~self~ ~care~ appears, it is urgent so ^Act ^Now yet ^Choose ^Belief over ^Worry.  We ourselves may ~always~ ^Look in ~hope~ to ^Overcome any ~obstacle~ to it on our ~PATH~.  ^When we put ^Love on our side, the worst ^Fall from ~daily-self-care~ may ^Offer us a ~perfect~ ~fail~; and then bring us to a new ~low~ on our ~PATH~; and then ^Offer us ^More ~strength~ than ever to ^Overcome; and then we may reach ever higher in that one ~subject~ or in total. 

^Plan it ^Daily. 

Anytime with caution as to the nature of the ^Need. 

^When in ~harmony~ to ~sorrow~. 

As a ^Buddy, ^When we ^Notice a ~lack~ or ~excess~ of ~emotion~, we may ^Help ~one-another~ ~refresh~ anytime we ^Give ~trust~ to that ~end~. 

Anytime in ~motivation~ to ^Live.  Anytime in ~focus~ of ~refresh~ or ~emotion~ within our ~restore~. 

To ^Oppose ^Shelter, ^Dress or ^Restore.  To ^Oppose ~health~ or ~strength~ within our ~life~. 

Anytime in ^Simple ^Respect to ^Refresh although in ~presence~ of ^Anger, ^Happiness or ^Hate.  For ~example~, ^Daily-self-care does not ^Mask our ~anger~.  Yet, ^Daily-self-care may ^Help ourselves or others to endure ~anger~ until we can ^Heal from it. 

Do so only ^When in ~harmony~ to ^Desire, ^Fear, ^Surprise, ^Guilt or ^Sorrow.  For ~example~, we don't ^Want to ^Chase our ~full~ ~need~ for ~daily-self-care~ ^When we ^Feel ~guilt~.  Yet once we ^Restore ~harmony~, we may ^Refresh freely as means to alleviate the ^Emotion.  We ^Mask next ~steps~ ^When we incautiously ^Refresh irrespective of ^What we ^Feel.  That's ^Okay!  We can ^Choose a ^Better ^PATH ^Now. 

We should ^Share ~daily-self-care~ only with ~humility~ and ~respect~ and anytime it is ~prudent~ and ~helpful~.  ^Accept a ^Free ^Offer of nourishment, of necessary comforts and of visits in ~gratitude~ of a ~prudent~ ~mind~.  ^Likewise, ^Make a ^Free ^Offer of our ~food~ and ~drink~, of our ~home~ and comforts and of our support and friendship.  As we endeavor to it, ~balance~ ~how~ we ^Share. 


My Notes