^Mirror ^Aid ^Help ^Adjust ^Body ~reflect~ ~recover~ ~helps~ ~adjustments~ ~buddy~


In a space of love, a turtle is handing another turtle some food in a way of love.


  1. ^Moderation to ^Play, ^Work and ^Sleep in ~balance~, ~cycle~ and ~fit~ for ourselves, others and our world. 
    1. ^Explore ^Regularly regarding ^How may I ~help~? 
  2. ^Adjust for pain, for ^When ~hurt~, and for new symptoms. 
    1. ^Respond ^Promptly ^When we ^Feel ill or ~SICK~ and ^Aid others to do ~likewise~. 
    2. ^Tell our ~family~ and ^Ask for ~help~ as needed. 
    3. ^Practice to ^Ask for ^Help. 
  3. ^When indesperate for ~sleep~, ~water~, ~food~, ~clothes~, ~home~, ~help~ or ~liberty~ despite insufficiency and our ~BEST~ efforts, ^Surrender ^Agency and ^Independence to ~one-another~ in ~aim~ to ~satisfy~ our basic ~need~. 
    1. ^Swap any ~goal~ or ~process~ with ^More ~daily-self-care~. 
    2. ^Be ~inconsistent~, have ~confusion~ or ^Feel ~sad~ about any ~presence~ of fact, feeling or thought until ~SICK~. 
    3. ^Humility to ^Accept ~slow~ and ^Make ^Space for ^Doubt until ~SICK~.  ^Doubt ~now~ with ~hope~ ~long-term~ yet ^Accept a ~lack~ of ~focus~ as our ~focus~. 
    4. ^Refuse to ^Trust our ~intuition~, ~outlook~ and ANY ~source~ from which we ~learn~ until ~rest~ and ~truth~ ~return~. 
    5. ^Accept any ^Prudent ~limit~ suggested by others until we can ~nourish~, ~hydrate~, ~protect~, ~sleep~, ~advocate~, ~help~ and ~shelter~ ^Regularly ^Again. 
    6. ^Minimize our ~agency~ ourselves to ^Maintain our ~agency~ with ~purpose~ to ^Establish ^Maximum ~refresh~ and an environment of ~love~ until ~help~ ~works~. 
    7. ^Try to ^Recover until it ~works~. 
  4. ^Help!  I ^Need ~help~. 
    1. ^Prefer to have a ^Buddy ready to ^Help and to ^Feel it in ~empathy~ and support of ~love~.  ^Feel ^Need of closeness by ~sorrow~ of gentle stumble of tears, actions and words, and thereby ^Surrender our ^Agency to our ^Buddy.  As we ^Ask in ~doubt~ and hesitate clarity of even small things, our ^Buddy may ^Sense and ^Learn to ^Lead, ^Nourish and ^Care for our ~want~. 
    2. ^When we can ^Forgive, ^Give an ~hour~ to ^Try a ^Perfect ^Fail. 
    3. ^When unable to ^Forgive or ^Rest, ^Surrender ^Adequately. 


^Help is a ~way~ to ^Refresh our ~body~ and ~one-another~ for ~prudent~ ~independence~ within ourselves and, to others and our world. 

^When we ^Ignore or do not ^Attend nor ^Care to an ^Emotion or a ~lack~ in ~daily-self-care~, ~rest~ and ~forgiveness~ ~long-term~, or ~when~ any such came from ^Strength, by ~force~, in combination or in a time of ~weakness~, our ~mind~ may ^Slow or ^Stop our ~rest~ and ~digest~ ~cycle~ altogether.  Yikes!  The ~more~ we ^Feel confident of ^What we ^Know as we ^Tend towards ~maximum~ ~emotional-failure~, the ~more~ we ^Increase ~all~ our distortions rapidly as we ^Depart from ~wisdom~, ~awareness~, ~community~ and ~knowledge~: for we can ^No longer ^Hold it.  ^When this may ^Happen, it doesn't mean we are ~evil~ nor that we deserve it, but it does mean we ^Need to ^Recover ~now~ and ~heal~ to spare ourselves, others and our world from ~more~ ~needless~ suffering. 


Anytime with ~respect~ for ~truth~ and ~one-another~.  ^How does our ~sense~ of ~agency~ and ~love~ ^Connect with our digestive system and our ~sleep~?  I do not ^Know except to ^Say an impairment in one may impair the other, so ^When we or others have concern about our ~emotion~, ~agency~, ~love~, ~sleep~, ~food~, ~water~, ~shelter~ or ~clothes~, ^Trust to ^Recover ^Now. 

^Receive ^Aid anytime we cannot ~fail~ ~properly~ or have ~need~.  ^Give ^Help anytime we can ^Help ~one-another~. 

Anytime with caution as to the nature of the ^Need. 

^When in ~harmony~ to ~shame~. 

As a ^Buddy, ^When we ^Notice a ~lack~ or ~excess~ of ~hate~, we may ^Help ~one-another~ ~recover~ anytime we ^Give ~trust~ to that ~end~. 

Anytime in ~motivation~ of ~independence~.  Anytime for sake of ~work~ within our ~boundary~ or ~cooperation~.  Anytime for sake of ~rest~ within our ~agency~ or ~communication~. 

To ^Oppose ^Liberty or ^Boundary.  To ^Oppose ~memories~ within our ~cooperation~ or ~process~.  To ^Oppose ~unknown~ within our ~independence~ or ~agency~. 


My Notes