^Wait ~long-term~ ~patience~


In the foreground, a clock and
  a calendar month with Wednesday the 12th flagged.
In the background, a mountain amidst a blue sky and
  the sun risen above and to the right of the mountain.


  1. ^Choose ^Delay and ^Stay ~honest~. 
  2. ^Care not to ^Refuse it although missing. 
  3. ^Know each ~signal~ for ^When it is ready. 
  4. ^Stop and ^Look for ^How to ^Act. 


^Wait is a mode of ^Progress in which we ^Anticipate eventual ^Progress despite any ~roadblock~ to our ^Direct and personal action ^Now.  For those ^Who ^Wish to ^Feel ^Full while being dissatisfied.  For those ^Who ^Need to ^Improve but have nothing left to do. 


Anytime we ^Need to ^See it as insufficient for ~now~ but with ^Hope, ^Care to ^Wait for ~maximum~ ~long-term~ ~benefit~.  Anytime we would rather have ^Self-control than have an ~excess~ of ~emotion~. 


My Notes