^Progress ^Perfect ~idealization~ ~perfection~
- ^Magnify any ^Sense that we ^Fail to ^Match it.
Persist to endure in it (any activity of ~life~) and ^Look to ^Become ^Better ^Regularly
until eventually:
- We do so universally, exactly and completely for its ~own~ sake.
- We do so upon our entire ~mind~, ~self~ or ~foundation~.
^Perfect is a ^Super mode of ^Progress that demands continuance of errors and ~mistakes~ with a ~goal~ of absence of errors and ~mistakes~. For those ^Who ^Wish to ^Satisfy ourselves in the journey but at the cost of dissatisfaction while our journey is not complete. For those ^Who ^Work to ^Improve without setting a ~limit~ in scope.
^How many have we seen in our world ^Who have hit rock ~bottom~
and then have bounced ~back~ stronger?
I have lived it and seen it in others ^Enough for me to ^Say that many
such have experienced a ~perfect~ ~fail~ or something near it.
Anytime we ^Find ourselves in a ~perfect~ ~fail~, we may infer that it was a really
~good~ ~MESS~ that got us there.
Yet to the extent it multiplies ~needless~ suffering I ^Write this
down to do ~what~ I can to spare us from a ~perfect~ ~MESS~!
A ~perfect~ ~fail~ is the most rapid buster of ~needless~ suffering due to distortion. Sadly, some of us will ^Need a ~perfect~ ~fail~ and from a severity of ~MESS~ we'll then have a ~perfect~ ~fall~ which ought to precipitate it but somehow we ^Refuse to ^Fail in some ~way~ as though to ^Refuse ^Humility. And therefore, we continue the ~needless~ suffering and ^Remain in the dark. But this ~sorrow~ and other ~needless~ suffering is only temporarily tragic in that as we ^Gain our ^Purpose that past journey also gains its ~purpose~. Retroactive pain consecration initiated!
Anytime that we ^Need to ^See ^Progress as unending, ^Care
to ^Perfect.
Do it rarely.
Anytime we are required to ^Grow but ^Need a Sea ^Change
to do it.
^Avoid this mode anytime a task would already ^Force a ~lack~ or ~excess~ of ~emotion~, thought or action.
Anytime a ^Perfect ~mode~ or ~obstacle~ may ^Act against us,
for sake of our ~survival~ we may ^Need to ^Respond in ~perfection~.