The ^MESS that ^Hurts and Saves
If Mental-Emotional-Self Healing (~MESH~) is the ~subject~ presented in The Book of ^MESH then Mental-Emotional-Self Sickening (~MESS~) is the ~target~ that we ^Aim to ^Overcome within ourselves in ~safety~ and ~responsibility~. And, too, we ^Hope to ^Gain ~awareness~ and appreciation of the ~MESS~ in others. In short if we ^Want to deal with our ~own~ ^MESS we ~learn~ to ^Heal but we also ^Need to appreciate the ^MESS in others to enable us to ^Care.
This chapter in ~purpose~ is to ^Express and ^Show a ^Concept for ~what~ I ^Find to be a great ~way~ to ^Create the culmination of distortions in ourselves.
^First a little ~more~ about distortions. In short, we ^Need them. They are ~good~ and almost ~always~ very ~good~ for us, but elsewhere they might be talked about as ~evil~ as though they were the ~problem~ itself. They are extremely useful. In fact I assert that our entire ~mind~ is composed of them fundamentally!
In other literature we ^Judge some distortions as an inappropriate deviation in our brain (its structure, its processes or its chemistry) and ^Deceive ourselves to ^Think only a few of us ~who~ must have defective or broken minds are the ones ^Who experience them. We ^Make this ^Mistake most especially ^When we ^Hold popular culture as our ^Lens for it. We can ~learn~ about this idea of a cognitive distortion (~think~), a conative distortion (~act~) or an affective distortion (~feel~). In culture and literature we may ^Tell others that we ^Want these distortions to ^Go away and ^Attempt to do so via books (~write~), techniques (~inspiration~), therapy (~counsel~) or pharmacology (~war~). ^All I am really saying is that if our ^Mind is a ~MESS~ then others ^Who ^Follow this industry ~who~ cannot ^See our ^Mind (some of whom surely ~know~ ^Better!) may call it a distortion.
Whatever the label, it ~always~ feels ~pejorative~ ~when~ we ^Choose any ^Focus to ^Maximize our ~emotion~ against it. ^When we ^Offend any ~mode~, it may ^Fortify our modes, but it is an ~evil~ ^Between ourselves and others that should be ~overcome~.
By contrast I have an unfair advantage ^When I ^Write The Book of ^MESH for I ^Know that I do not ~know~ any ^Better than any ~mind~ about itself. Mine and yours included! I have an unfair advantage of ~independence~, for I do not have any formal degree in the ~study~ of minds. Rather, I just ^Want to ^Give ourselves a ~chance~ to ^Feel ^Better by degree instead.
That said I am an expert of ~expression~, of internal
reflection and I daresay, I have a ~talent~ to ^Write some brilliant
~source~ code for ~empathy~.
And because of ^All that, I ^Want to ^Talk about
distortions fruitfully, yet I do not ^Want to touch nor ^Judge our distortions
at ^All.
They are not you
but I ^Find that they are ~beautiful~, too.
of that I do not ^Aim to ^Make any of our distortions ^Go away.
In fact I do not even ^Want
to call it a distortion.
Instead I call it a ~mode~ rather than a distortion for nothing is incorrect about it intrinsically. Extrinsically someone (with or without a degree) may argue that a distortion evidences a ~problem~ of our ^Mind, especially those that manifest as stubbornness, (bad) habits, illusions, delusions, addictions or hallucinations.
However, to us ^Who are living it currently, it is only a mode and to others living it, it is also only a mode in them. If we ^Stop looking at ^What is wrong and instead ~focus~ on ^Why it is right, we can understand our ~own~ ~mind~ and that of others so much ^Better. As we ^Minimize ~evil~ upon our ^Mind such as ~needless~ criticism of it, we ^Maximize the ~good~ that may ^Come from it, too!
In that ^Light, one of ~betterment~, it is my ^Humble opinion that a distortion is not a ~problem~ of the ^Mind. However, irrespective of the amount or flavor of distortion, suffering needlessly is a real ~problem~, and I am anxious to ^Help in the ~BEST~ ~way~.
To ^Celebrate ^All our distortions, and before we ^Talk about healing ^Let's ^See this culminating distortion for ~how~ to ^Make a ^MESS of ourselves!
The modes of ^MESS include ^MESS, ^Honest, ^STRONG, ^Season, ^Deceive, ^Dance and ^Thirst.