^No ^Fortify ^Back ~needless~ ~boundary~ ~never~


A brick wall.


  1. ^Divide ~cooperation~. 
  2. ^Focus on our ~own~ ~agency~ and ^Leave that of others. 
  3. ^Refuse to ^Refuse ~independence~ for any reason. 
  4. ^Choose to ^Forget ~function~ in ~mutual~ ~compassion~. 


^Boundary is the mode of ^Life in which we ^Protect ourselves.  Our world is quite the ~MESS~ ~now~ but we may ^Refuse the ~needless~ ~parts~ of it for ~betterment~.  We often ^Learn the word ^No as a call to ^Be ^Obedient for sake of our ~safety~ from the dangers of our world.  But before long we ~turn~ it and use it to call others to ^Be ^Obedient, for sake of their ~safety~ from ~conflict~ with us or our world. 


Anytime or ^Hourly. 

^When in ~doubt~, ^Say ^No to ^Remember ~what~ we ~believe~. 

Anytime we ^Want to ^Refine our ^Day or to ^Choose a ^Better ~way~. 

Anytime we ^Want to ^Distinguish ourselves for others as ~more~ than just another item to ^Collect and carry around. 


My Notes