^Connect ^Listen ~empathy~ ~nondominant~ ~communication~
^Trust to
have ^Self-control against ~function~ for ~self~ and others.
- ^Feel ^Helpful as though in ~cooperation~ with it.
- ^Act ^Honest but with ~independence~ to its ~weakness~ or ~goal~.
- ^Think about it in context of ~self~.
^Care to ^Choose
it against ~self~.
- ^Think about it until we ^Feel ~weakness~ in its regard.
- ^Act to ^Give with ~presence~ of ^Love in our ^Self.
- ^Feel with ^Emotion in ~empathy~.
^Empathy is a ^Super mode of ^Life that alleviates a ~lack~ of ^Balance within ourselves, with others or with our world. ^Connect is both the power ~source~ and the network of ~communication~ within our ~mind~ and ~between~ ~one-another~. For any ^Mind looking to ^Moderate computation or ^Encourage network, empowerment and routing. For those ^Who ^Work with ample resources or ~high~ connectivity.
Anytime we ^Need to ^Expand ~communication~ or resist ~function~.