Modes of ^Life

The ^Principal modes of ^Life are a self-organizing symphony of ~operation~.  Although incredibly ~simple~ they may ^Take our whole ^Life to appreciate in ~full~.  Our brains are like a little ~computer~ with abundance of ~process~ and a little network of ~communication~.  Our brains have ~relation~ to a large degree of ~independence~ and a ~high~ degree of ~cooperation~.  Somehow our ^Organism has the power of ~agency~ and the power to ^Say ~no~ in our ~daily~ ~life~ too.  To ^Develop our ~talent~ to ^Complement, ^Connect, ^Encapsulate, ^Cooperate, ^Decide, ^Fortify and ^Live are in some ~sense~ a lofty ~goal~ above.  However, these modes are ^Turtles for we may ^Consider they ~all~ exist beneath it ~all~ as ~foundation~, as intermediate ^Parts and as culminating ~expression~ and achievement. 

Despite ~all~ my ~excitement~ over these modes that I am about to ^Share, as though I had ~found~ some ^Complex mystery, I really just ^Want us to ^Think of it as something far ~more~ ~simple~.  ^When we ~feel~, ~act~, ~think~ and ~mind~ we ^Need two ways (at least) within each ~domain~ in ~order~ to ^Govern that ~domain~ particularly.  The fruit of that idea, in a nutshell, is eight ^Principal modes: ^Connect or ^Fortify, ^Decide or ^Cooperate, ^Diverge or ^Function, and ^Live or ^Restore, ~respectively~. 

Here is the ^Simple ^Map to which I ^Now ^Embrace and ^Hold from it.  Each mindful thing (~mode~) may ^Participate in at least one dimension of ^Feel, ^Act, ^Think and ^Mind, each dimension of which has ^More than one ~direction~ (or ~way~) so that our ~mind~ may ^Govern it.  Each mindful thing that has a ~part~ in a larger whole may ^Maximize its ^Gift to that larger whole as one of the ^Principal modes in proxy.  And each larger whole may ~likewise~ ~maximize~ its ^Gift to some yet larger context.  So to navigate the modes of ^Life for optimal ^Health, we only ^Need to understand that ^Organization of ^Turtles, the ^Map from our ^Emotion to that structure, and ^How to ^Fail ~properly~ for every time we ^Try or ^Serve. 

^Now ^Let's ^Look at these modes of ^Life and ^Ask stupidly whether we are any different than ~turtles~ or computers.  Compu-turtles?  Compurtles.  Oh, I only ^Tease.  Although I ^Imagine robots ^Who ^Need to ^Heal in our ~wonderful~ and bright future I'd much rather ^Look at ^What is before us today for we are ~acceptable~ (and ~wonderful~) ~just-the-way-we-are~!  ^Yes, and from that ^Light I do ^Think our future may ^Become VERY much brighter ~now~.  And for that I am forever ^Grateful. 

Each of eight ^Principal modes has a ~vehicle~ chapter, a ~lens~ chapter and a ~principal~ chapter, as shown in the ~first~ ~table~.  I ^Find that either ~organization~ by chapter reveals an impressively parallel structure to suggest the deep nature of The Book of ^MESH

^Vehicle ^Lens ^Principal
MESH Refresh Function
MESS Schedule Diverge
Space Balance Agency
Write Change Cooperate
or ^Unknown
Symbol Emotion Boundary
Progress Watch Empathy
in my heart
Chapter 3-tuples

As an ^Alternative and my current ^Favorite, we may ^Organize the chapters for sake to ^Memorize them and to suggest a ^Source in our ~organism~ for each:

  1. 🚶 Earth: ^What may ^Keep us in motion to ^Act. 
  2. 🌊 ^Water: ^What may ^Sustain us in our journey. 
  3. 🧠 Fire: ^What may ^Hurt or ^Refine us to ^See. 
  4. 🌌 Sky: ^Beauty in a ^Mind of ^Wisdom or ^Love. 

MESH Refresh Boundary Function
MESS Schedule Life Diverge
Space Balance Restore Agency
Write Change Symbol Cooperate
Watch Progress Emotion Empathy
Chapter 4-tuples


My Notes