^Love ^Generosity ^At-a-time ~hapful~ ~compassion~ ~wisdom~
^Care to
reach the ~BEST~ ~life~ for ourselves on our ~PATH~ and others on theirs.
- ^Think about the ^Good and ^Truth in the world and in every ^Mind in every ~mode~.
- ^Feel it for the world and within us in ~balance~.
- ^Act with ^Good, ^Truth and ^Family in ~harmony~.
- ^Forgive, ^Give ~strength~ to ~weakness~ and ^Give ^Chance for ^All to ^Fail in ~safety~.
- ^Refuse, ^Wait or ^Delay ~judgment~.
- ^Give ~time-and-place~ to ^Embrace and ^Identify with every ^Mind and ~mode~ as our ~own~ in ~humility~.
^Love is a ~mode~ of ^Connect that supersedes ~all~ other modes. This is a ^Concept of concepts of concepts and impossible to define except as taken from pure extremes of experience on our ~PATH~. Though it does ^Surrender itself to every ~mode~ with ~humility~ it is a ^Full ^Perfect ^Concept and beyond ~all~ others.
Something tells me that we are ^All made from it and that we are ^All bound by it and for it!
Anytime we do not ~know~ ^What comes next. Anytime we have ~no~ ~solution~. Anytime we ^Grow or have a ~weakness~, ^Give ourselves ^Space for ^More ~love~ in ~wait~ until it ~works~.