^Thank ^Grateful ~gratitude~


An arc on the path from Humble to Grateful, with a green screw propeller to show progress as we Choose: Act, Feel, Think.


  1. ^Loom until ^Grateful. 
    1. ^Care for it. 
    2. ^Choose it. 
    3. ^Care ^Again. 
  2. ^Choose to ^Care. 
  3. Appreciate the ~good~ ^When it comes. 
    1. ^Name-or-express it. 
    2. ^Encapsulate it and eat it for ^Strength. 
  4. ^Poop out the ~weakness~ or ~evil~ in ourselves without ~hate~. 
    1. ^Refuse the ~poop~ from others without ~hate~. 


^Grateful is a ^Super mode of ^Independence that ~helps~ us ^Open a ~way~ to relieve current suffering in ourselves and others.  From this ~process~ to ^Choose to ^Care, ~outlook~ is born. 

For those ^Who do not ~know~ or ^Who ^Forget ^How to ^Dance.  That's you!  You got the right stuff, I ^Know it! 

This is a universal starting ~point~ on the ~PATH~.  We should not ^Seek to ^Fall, ^Fail or ^Humble ~one-another~ except to ^Embrace it ^When it may ^Happen naturally to each of us.  But to ^Encourage ~gratitude~ and to ^Renew or ^Create an environment that fosters such is a ~beautiful~ and important place to ^Develop a ~healthy~ ^Mind. 

We ~recover~ and ^Receive ~help~ from ~one-another~.  ^Likewise we ^Need ~strength~ to ^Become ^Grateful in ~mind~. 

As we ^Gain ^Gratitude within ourselves, others and our world, we ^Move towards ^Moderate ^Independence among ourselves, others and our world.  So, ^Less ^Independence from ^When it is at a ~maximum~, and ^More ^Independence from ^When it is at a ~minimum~.  Do you ^See ^How? 


Anytime.  Anytime it is missing.  Anytime we ^Notice we are ~blind~, ~lost~ or (un-)^Grateful.  Anytime we ^Feel unable to be ^Trustful.  Anytime we are ^Humble and have sufficient ~strength~ to ^Try. 


My Notes