^Full ^Satisfy ~fullness~ ~excess~ ~satiety~
until ^Full.
- ^Care about it: ^What we ^Feel is ^Good.
- ^Trust it: that we may ^Act in ^Truth.
- ^Care for it ^Again: that we may ^Think as ^Family and with ^Love.
^Full, ^Try to ^Loom in ~return~ to ^Self-control.
- ^Love it.
- ^Choose it.
- ^Care about it.
For ^BEST ^Results,
^Decide to ^Repeat in ~full~ ~responsibility~ to our ~lack~ or ~excess~ ^Thirst.
- ^Half-or-double ^Refresh with ^Outlook.
- ^Attend to ^Perfect our ^Lens about it.
- ^Harmony and ^Focus in ^All our ^Motivation.
- ^Stay sober to ^Hydrate our ^Body and ^Mind.
Once in
~fullness~, we ^Fall hard ^When we ^Refuse to ^Listen, ^See or ^Fail ~properly~.
- ^Remember to ^Fail ^When ~SICK~ so we do not ^Fall needlessly.
- ^Remember ^When we ^Fall hard, we may ^Be ~SICK~. Sometimes ^More ^SICK. So, we ~still~ ^Need to ^Fail but gladly our ~motivation~ for it is stronger.
- ^Trust that ^Humility whether due to a ^Fall or a ^Fail is a ~chance~ to ^Start ^Again.
^Full is a ^Super mode of ^Cooperate as it is at the peak of our capacity for ^More ~healthy~ ^Function.
For those ^Who ^Dance and ^Want to ^Keep dancing until it is ^Enough. That's you! And you got the right stuff, I ^Know it!
In any aspect of our ~life~, we have a ^Better ^Chance to ^Feel ^Full once we ^Achieve ^Poise.
We have ~clothes~ for our ~body~. ^Likewise we ^Need ~strength~ to ^Satisfy our ~mind~.
As we ^Satisfy ourselves, others and our world, we ^Move towards ^Moderate ^Cooperation among ourselves, others and our world. So, ^Less ^Cooperation from ^When it is at a ~maximum~, and ^More ^Cooperation from ^When it is at a ~minimum~. Do you ^See ^How?
Anytime we have ^Self-control and have sufficient ^Strength to ^Try.